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Three more weeks of school!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Millionaire at 36 years old? Hey, it is worth a try Ray.

"I simply get off at Exit 82 on the Parkway, and then I take ... shit."

now there is a prime candidate for the job of Mapquest directions coordinator if I ever saw one.

A few days have gone by since my last update, so here we go ladies and gentlemen. Braces yourselves. On Sunday, while driving with to mass with Jhon, I discovered that my car was making a loud thumping sound.

Bad sign.

As I drove back to the parking lot by TRLC and looked at my right front tire, I realized that it was completely flat! Not only that, but when I removed the tire to put the donut on, I immediately discovered that the rim had been dented and severely torn! Terrific! Now I have to buy a new rim as well as a new tire. When I called Bennett Chevrolet in Egg Harbor Township to get a price check on a rim for my car, they quoted a price of $718! All for one rim!!! Heaven forbid there was something wrong with all of my tires and rims. Shortly after that, I called Gearhart Chevyrolet in Denville and they quoted a price not too much cheaper than Bennett's price. Gearhart was ready to order me the rim for $608.

The Great One was not going to settle for either price. My mother helped me out by calling many of the local junkyards and asking if they had any rims available. Fortunately, the one junkyard she called (I think it's Ackers in Hackettstown), had an aluminum rim for $125 that matched my car perfectly and a steel rim for $35 which did not match my car. I chose the aluminum rim for $125 for the reason that I want my car to look stylish. Hey, I am able to afford it so why not? Uncle J is picking up the rim for me today and he is bringing it down to me on Thursday. At that point, all I have to do is purchase a tire (most likely at Pep boys) and then my car will once again be back to normal. That is all taken care of now, but it is amazing how certain things in life can be a such a major inconvenience.

At this point, my main concern is my group presentation based on the construction of P.F Chang's for Facilities Management. My group is scheduled to present to the class at P.F. Changs this Monday! We have to get it done soon. My group and I are going to meet in the library tomorrow after class so we can put most of the presentation and research paper together. That is really the only thing I am worried about for the remainder of the semester in all of my classes. I also have a project with Inn Basket due in Hospitality Control the last week of the semester, but I am not really worried about that. We are not scheduled to start that project until April 26, so I'm alright for now in regards to Hospitality Control.

Tonight I had dinner with Ray, Jack, Keeley and Jhon. Jhon got there a bit late, so he was sitting at the table next to us. We began to discuss life after college and where we see ourselves in the job world once we are out of school. Ray, who will be getting a bachelors degree in Business Studies Accounting, claimed that his goal is to be a millionaire at 36 years of age. Not a bad goal and not totally unrealistic. I suppose it is worth a try to attempt such a noble landmark.

Sometimes I wish I could just live here for one more semester, come back, and live my life the way it has been for the past three years - minus the classes. Wouldn't that be hot? Life passes us by so quickly. We must stop and take a look at who and what surrounds us. I believe it was the infamous Ferris Bueller who once said, "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it". While that was merely a fictional character from the classic 1986 motion picture Ferris Bueller's Day Off, that quote could not be any closer to the truth in real life than it already is. How shall I look around and acknowledge life? You know that The Great One must return to the location that elevated me to completely different heights I had never before reached. Upon my graduation from Stockon, one can rest assured that I will be back in Pineys for visits and parties come Fall 2005! Stockton has been an eye opener for yours truly in terms of my perception of life. Status-wise, confidence-wise, knowledge-wise, skill-wise, and wise-wise (wise-wise , yes I am wiser for the wear), I am greater than I have ever been before. I am, and will always be, The Great One. That title will never escape me folks. One can never disregard the facts.

It is important that I continue to demonstrate my greatness by doing research for this presentation. Everyone have a good night, take care, and be safe. Stay tuned for more... you do not want to miss a beat!


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