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Grand remembrance on this day off from work!

Sunday, July 10, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Today I am off from work, which is definitely a plus for me. The weather is so beautiful; Jaime is coming up to spend the evening with me at 6:30 when she gets out of work. Tomorrow morning I am on call at 10am. Hopefully I do not have to work so I can spend more time with Jaime during the day. Should I have to work during the day tomorrow, that means that I will be working a double due to the fact that I am already scheduled for dinner at 6pm. Hopefully management does not need me to come in tomorrow during the day.

The check engine line recently lit up in my car. I probably need to take it to Bennett Chevrolet for an oil change. It has been a while since I got an oil change, so I need to do that A.S.A.P.

Moments of recollection that will frequently happen.

The Great One took some time to read some of the historial posts on Xanga SUPERSTUFF. Many of the posts were from my times at school as a college student. Those were truly the days. Jaime and I talk about it all the time; we miss the days we had at Stockton when everybody was around and we either partied on campus or participated in other fun activities together. I love the freedom. I love the bond that was present amongst the groups of people that I knew. I love the community that I was a part of. This entire experience at Stockton felt like one massive bonanza. Going to N-Wing for dinner, not for the meals but for the social hours, was a special time to lay low and genuinely communicate with friends. I enjoyed all of those times when I could go out for the night with close friends, either to Atlantic City or just a local pub, for a enjoyable evening. One can not beat the freedom that is felt while being away at college. When I was at school, I could remember having friends such as, Anna, Kristen, Jeremy, Jack, Aaron (my original roommate), Brian, Colleen or even my roommate Jeremy to do something with. There are many other faces on campus that I would frequently see, of those who were great people. Sunday morning would come, and I would call these people to attend brunch with me. When 10pm rolled around on a school night, and the dinners at N-Wing did not provide nearly enough nourishment, I can remember going to Lakeside for pizza, chicken nuggets, or mozzarella sticks with Jeremy and Keeley. Wawa runs with Brian in the middle of the night, whenever we had to pull an all nighter, were ever so frequent. Video games at Ray's apartment with Ray, Jeremy, Jack, Jesse, and Crazy Mike were nothing short of amusing. On Sunday mornings, Jaime and I would go to brunch together and make fun of the food on various occasions. Stockton was great.

Many of those close to me have indicated that I should live in the now, but that is easier said than done. I should not live in the past so much, but it has a tendency to happen whenever I get bored with present-day life. College life is a difficult phase of life for one to bring to a close. It is in fact a lifestyle that one grows accustomed to for approximately four years. Currently I go to work almost everyday and occasionally hang out with my girlfriend and some of her peeps from Central Jersey. My mind automatically travels back to times that were more pleasant and that gives me somewhat of a boost. That reminds me that there were great times in the past and there could potentially be more to come in the future.
When the fall comes, and some of my undergraduate friends return to Stockton as students, it will be a pleasure of mine to visit them with my fellow Class of 2005 companions.

For now, it is time to get some food, head back to the apartment, do some laundry, clean up, perhaps play some Fight Night Round 2, and wait for my beautiful girlfriend Jaime to arrive later this evening.

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