Hello everybody. I've been away for almost a week. I could only imagine how impatient everybody must've been getting while waiting for my next post.
Well, here I am! Anna's luau getting busted by cops was the biggest news this weekend and it was rather disheartening. A great party was just starting to evolve, when the 15-20 smokers standing right outside the doorway drew attention to the cops. That's when the cops entered the apartment and brought an end to the party (dumping Evan's (who is of age) unopened $20 bottle of Everclear in the process). All in all, truly a night to forget.
Other than that, this weekend was rather calm and uneventful. Yesterday, I spent a great part of the day in the computer lab typing up a study guide for my one of my exams. Last night, Jaime and I watched The Wedding Singer.
I have two exams and a quiz this week. On Tuesday and Thursday, I will be taking another two-day, 10-question exam in BSNS Policy and Strategy. We have to answer 5 multiple-part essay questions on the first day, and the remaining five on the second day. I should ace that exam with my eyes closed. The other exam is in Mind Conditioning tomorrow at 3:35. I am taking most of my time tonight to study for that exam.
I got almost 11 hours of sleep on Friday night, which was healthy for me. I got almost 8 hours of sleep last night, but nonetheless I still feel tired right at this moment. Maybe it was the dinner I ate. I think the time is coming to get some coffee.
Yeah, this week figures to be rough, but SPRING BREAK is right around the corner the following week. That should be lovely. My return to Dtown will be on Saturday, March 13. I look forward to seeing family and friends back home, as well getting some rest and going to BarA on Thursday night of that week!
Obviously BarA, on that Thursday night, is going to ridiculous.
That's the ONLY night of the week BarA is going to have this good-looking, hot stud, with his beautiful girI friend, on its dance floor.
...75 cent drinks as well.
But for now, I'll be up until around 2 am looking over my study guides for the exams this week. In between the studying, Jaime and I are going to watch Adult Swim. My two favorites shows on Adult Swim are THE BRAK SHOW and AQUATEEN HUNGER FORCE. Those are the best two shows on Sunday night's Adult Swim every week.
Sometime around 10pm, I'm off to Wawa to get some coffee so I don't fall asleep at my desk while studying.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for me to depart. I have to study. I must continue to bang out these tests and quizzes; continually proving my brilliance and knowledge as the semester quickly moves along. Hopefully, everybody had a great weekend, nobody got hurt, and everything is cool. Remember to K.I.T., be safe, and I'll see some of you throughout the week.
Today started off on the right track. In Business Policies and Strategies, we got our exams returned to us. I got an A on my exam. So many words can describe that result. Splendid. Great. Inevitable. Superb. To sum it up, it was a great way to start the class. I got one more exam in that class (and it happens to be before SPRING BREAK). In other words, we only have a total of two exams, and they're before Spring Break, so I have my last exam in that class coming up next week. I think I will go ahead and get an A on that one also. After that, when everyone returns from spring break, the remainder of the semester will be presentations and business reports, and I am nothing short of great when it comes to those. I basically have an A in that class; all I have to do now is show up.
Hopefully, all goes well with the Mind Body Conditioning practical tomorrow, as well as the written midterm for that class on Monday. I am sure everything will be alright. So, everything is at a level base at this moment. I feel a little tired, but that is because I had a heavy dose of carbs for lunch today (pasta with chicken parmesan and garlic bread). I have to meet with my group today to sort out each of our sections for the Finance project we are currently working on. We are doing an annual report for Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. I already completed my part (the consolidated Balance Sheet) for the company. Around 5 PM, I have to meet with my group to see how they did with their parts of the project.
I'm in a computer lab right now, and I am rather HOT, because the computer lab is heavily heated due to the electricity and I am wearing a sweater (a nice one nonetheless; I like to look sharp). Therefore, it is time for me to get out of here. Everyone have a good day. Much love to those whom I have it for. Be good. Be real. Stay tuned and holla at ya' BOY!