Today started off on the right track. In Business Policies and Strategies, we got our exams returned to us. I got an A on my exam. So many words can describe that result. Splendid. Great. Inevitable. Superb. To sum it up, it was a great way to start the class. I got one more exam in that class (and it happens to be before SPRING BREAK). In other words, we only have a total of two exams, and they're before Spring Break, so I have my last exam in that class coming up next week. I think I will go ahead and get an A on that one also. After that, when everyone returns from spring break, the remainder of the semester will be presentations and business reports, and I am nothing short of great when it comes to those. I basically have an A in that class; all I have to do now is show up.
Hopefully, all goes well with the Mind Body Conditioning practical tomorrow, as well as the written midterm for that class on Monday. I am sure everything will be alright. So, everything is at a level base at this moment. I feel a little tired, but that is because I had a heavy dose of carbs for lunch today (pasta with chicken parmesan and garlic bread). I have to meet with my group today to sort out each of our sections for the Finance project we are currently working on. We are doing an annual report for Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. I already completed my part (the consolidated Balance Sheet) for the company. Around 5 PM, I have to meet with my group to see how they did with their parts of the project.
I'm in a computer lab right now, and I am rather HOT, because the computer lab is heavily heated due to the electricity and I am wearing a sweater (a nice one nonetheless; I like to look sharp). Therefore, it is time for me to get out of here. Everyone have a good day. Much love to those whom I have it for. Be good. Be real. Stay tuned and holla at ya' BOY!
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