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Good Lord!

What a terrific day! The sun is shining ever so bright. I had a mini BBQ out on the deck, as I did last weekend when I was home. It feels wonderful to have the sun hitting my back and my face. I’ve gotten so used to that feeling by lying out on the beach during the week, working grounds in the morning on campus, etc. I talked to Jaime earlier, as I do everyday, and she’ll be coming down to see me on Wednesday. To be honest, right now I feel just as bright and dazzling as the sun.

I look forward to working out Monday. I got my training regime all developed. I’m SUPERMAN with a SUPER PLAN and I will start to look and feel better than ever in due time. Training will consist of light weight lifting, road work, swimming, some dieting, and stretching. As I said, it will be nothing too difficult. I already get really good workouts with my job. Right now, I feel awesome! Last night, I got a good night’s rest. Today, I’m just chillin’ in my crib, sitting outside on the deck, and catching a breather from the hard work I completed last week.

Right now, I just want to enjoy my free time before I go back to work again and start training next week. This is what one would call play time. It is my time to congregate with family and friends. Tonight is the rematch between Roy Jones and Antonio Tarver. That fight should be competitive. They faced each other when they were both 13 years of age. Last November, Roy Jones won a close majority decision over Tarver and the fight raised more questions than answers. Hence, tonight’s rematch. Yours truly scored the first fight a draw (114-114) and I thought the decision could have gone either way.

We’ll see what happens tonight. Roy claims he was weight drained and he didn’t care about Tarver at all the first time. He was looking forward to fighting Mike Tyson and Vitali Klitschko. It was apparent that he was searching for a big mega fight at heavyweight. On the other hand, Tarver is more confident than ever, and that includes his attitude prior to the first fight. Is Roy starting to slip? Will Tarver be over-confident for this fight, just as Roy was the first time around? Will Tarver be more aggressive in the center of the ring? Will Roy stay off the ropes more and fight in the center of ring where he was most effective last November?

All questions to be answered. The answers will come tonight. Great fight.

In the meantime, I’m going outside in the back to lay down on the hammock and listen to some music. It’s on like Donkey Kong biatch!

LIVING LIKE A KING, THERE IS No time like play time…

Saturday, May 15, 2004 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

End of Spring Semester 2004!

Hey, what’s up folks???

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! My weekend was absolutely crazy. Yesterday consisted of tanning, getting drunk, and eating Chinese food. Late last night, after I took a three hour nap, Jaime and I went over to H court for the party in H32. Apparently, the party had dyed down, so we went to H14 to see Erin, Kristen, and her friend John. They played Asshole while I concentrated on sobering up and drinking water. LOL.

This semester has a total of three days left. This is hard to believe. The school year just came and went. It’s all good though. This summer should be satisfying. I got a bunch of things lined up. On Thursday May 6, if the weather is up to standards, I will be going to Ocean City to spend the day at the shore with Jaime.

Later that evening, I, The Great One, will once again be making a glorious return to D-town to see my family and a few friends!!! I look forward to returning home and hanging out in the old homestead. I will be in D-town for about five days. On May 10, I will be returning to school for work and summer classes. On most of these upcoming weeks, I will be traveling back to D-town for the weekends to relax and hang out with my wonderful family. Obviously, I can not go all that time without seeing them at all. I sure as hell can not see them enough during the school year. I will also see Jaime approximately two or three times a week.

On my way home on Thursday nights, I will be visiting her, and going to Bar-A, Jenkinsons, or Bamboo whenever her and her friends have plans to go to these bars/clubs on some of those Thursday’s. So, I think I will be home more so than seems to be the case from the outset. On some weeks, I will probably be home for 2 or 3 days on the weekends.

Definitely worthy of note, the weekend of June 18 should be an interesting occasion. LOL. On June 18, I will be attending my friend Scott’s bachelor party here in Jersey. Scott is originally from Jersey, but he currently lives in California where he’s attending law school. As soon as I get the scoop on where exactly the party is located, and what time it is starting, I’ll be there! That should be a fascinating event to say the least. I am quite a character and I love a good time. Hopefully, this will be a pleasant occasion and I don’t have any doubts that it will be. I’m a bundle of joy and charisma no matter where I am present and no matter what happens. I am well loved by those who matter. I'm loved by MANY, hated by very few, and respected by ALL.

On 4th of July weekend, I will be home for the 4th of July fireworks as well as a little BBQ. I am looking forward to that weekend because I love the holiday. July 4th is Independence Day, and of there is certainly no privilege that ranks higher than independence.

Also being talked about is a possible road trip to North Carolina.

But for now, the time has come for me to go to sleep. Everyone have a great night, a great week, and look forward to reading my next post. It will be coming very soon! Good luck with final exams everyone!



Monday, May 03, 2004 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]
