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Farewell P.F. Chang's: What was behind the scenes of my departure!

Friday, July 22, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

"Perhaps the managers at P.F. Chang's come from the same breed of people who chose to crucify our beloved Jesus Christ rather than Barabas."

Today is a beautiful day for laying outside and basking in the hot sun. Last night was a decent time, as I went over to Jeremy's apartment and hung out with him and Aaron. We drank some Yuengling and ordered some pizza. Meantime, I am just trying to remain composed during this period of time leading to July 26.

Soon I should be working as a cashier at Dicks; Jeremy is going to speak with the supervisor about it today. As for P.F. Chang's, I suppose it is time for The Great One to move on. I was no longer happy working at P.F. Chang's, especially towards the end of my tour of duty there. The managers noticed my unhappiness and lack of passion and decided that it was best for me to move on. I am happy that they did so. I also realize that they released me due to my no-call no-show from Thursday night. I did manage to call the managers that day and inform them that I was going to be late to work. When arrived in South Jersey that day, however, I felt like absolute CRAP. That is what supposedly influenced the managers to suspend me. Even though I am happy that I no longer have to work for these people, I would like to bring you all a little closer to their poorly-thought and ill-conceived logic that was behind their decision to release me. Isn't it interesting that the employees who stole tip money, sold drugs in the back outside of the restaurant, and cussed at the managers in a foreign language, ALL made immediate returns after their suspensions?

I actually picked up shifts for the one dude who was suspended for cussing at the managers. The managers, however, found it in their heart to bring him back to work. I find that comical. We get back to the classic confrontation between good and evil. Heroes and villains. Assets and liabilities. The Great One was well-liked by all of the employees for my hard work, dedication, and irresistable personality and charisma. I always got jobs done and went out of my way to help anyone in my power. All of the compliments that came my way indicated just how valuable I was to that establishment. I was truly a major asset to the well-being of that restaurant. The others, on the other hand, who returned from suspensions for greater violations, were disliked by virtually every employee in the restaurant. Their work ethic (or lack thereof) in the workplace had a significant impact on the contempt for these apathetic employees who were constantly brought back by the managers. Perhaps the managers at P.F. Chang's come from the same breed of people who chose to crucify our beloved Jesus Christ rather than Barabas. That is when I talked to Brian Ackerman about the personalities of the managers and how they kept the bad employees and released the good.

Brian's explanation: "The bad one is too stupid to know that he is getting f&*ked over."

I gave his response some thought for about ten seconds before determining that he was absolutely right. The managers let me go because I had them figured out with their ways and decision-making and I made them clearly aware of it. In my mind, they did not just let me go because of the no-call no-show or because I was unhappy there. My email to them, explaining how to they fail to promote valuable employees within, really struck a nerve in a major way. It got their attention to the point where they actually took the email as an impolite insult. They thought my email was rude and crude. According to them, I talked trash about the servers. My email was no rude whatsoever. I never once talked to trash about the servers either! My email merely revealed facts dealing with the manager's treatment of long-term employees. I also pointed out the way some of the servers treated me. I attempted to make the managers aware of how apathetic some of the servers were with their job tasks; some of them will make the server assistants do practically everything for them (which is wrong).

You have the unions, which favor long term employment, seniority, and advancement that comes with seniority. However, I have not seen an establishment that is quite the polar opposite of a union than P.F. Chang's is. Even with seniority and hard work, there is almost no opportunity for advancement (at least at the P.F. Chang's in Atlantic City), if you are in fact a worker with seniority. I trained newcomers almost regularly, I apologized to the guests for poor services when the managers and servers could not find it in their hearts to do so, and I fullfilled "server" responsibilities when they failed to do so, yet according to the managers, I had a communication problem??? You do not designate an employee as being a team leader, grant him the privledge of being a trainer for your restaurant, and then suddenly come to the ill-thought conclusion that he has a communication problem. I suppose, in the minds of management, proper communication came from servers who whined and complained about other servers tipping too much money out to the server assistants. Rest assured, The Great One does not have a communication problem and the managers know this deep down in their consciences. What I do have, and the managers know this is the truth, is a "he knows too much for his own good and he's exposing it to us" problem. That is why they wanted to see me go, along with the fact that I was unhappy working there in the end. I am happy that I am gone, but I do need to get a better job soon and I should have one very shortly. I just felt the need to inform my Xanga SUPERSTUFF readers on what was behind the abrupt conclusion to The Great One's employment at P.F. Chang's. People have been wondering.

I currently believe that the hospitality industry, or atleast P.F. Chang's China Bistro for that matter, is looking for potential employees who will work hard, sport a phony smile at all times, remain quiet, and act like airheads who do not know any better. Having said all of that, The Stepford Wives should probably go fill out applications for jobs at P.F. Chang's immediately! Knowing that they are females, and the male managers can not resist the temptation to hug females employees and flirt with them at all costs, The Stepford Wives would be prime candidates for the job.

Regardless of all that has happened, I can still use P.F. Chang's as a reference for future jobs. I can still ask the managers for letters of recommendation. Management likes me as a person, if not as one of their employees. They want to keep me in their good graces, so that is a positive and I will use it to my full advantage.
Time to go pick up my paycheck. Stay tuned for further updates in the coming days. You know they never stop coming!


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