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FALL 2004 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: Jaime's graduation!

Sunday, December 19, 2004 | posted in | 0 comments

With God, Anything is possible! - Matthew 27:57-61

"The year 2005 will mark a new beginning and a chance to learn from history in order to create a brighter present and future." -The Great One

Today was a marvelous to say the very least. Jaime had her graduation ceremony today at Big Blue and I was fortunate enough to attend her graduation. I am so proud of her. At the same time, as I watched the entire ceremony, I realized how much I wanted to be a part of it all. Being able to attend the ceremony was both exciting and encouraging. I have a few more classes and an internship to complete before I am finally done with college myself. I plan on turning over a new leaf in 2005. It will be a whole new beginning. That is what I love about New Years.

Today's ceremony, coupled with the refreshing winter break that I am going to enjoy, will spark a whole new enthusiasm within myself come 2005. My graduation has been long overdue. Better late than never I suppose, but I believe I would have graduated much sooner had I been going to Stockton from the very beginning. When I transfered in from County College, I lost quite a number of credits. That knocked me back quite a bit. I have been on a mission to graduate from college, but that mission got a swift kick in the ass today as I watched the Fall 2004 Commencement ceremony. Let it be known that I am not in the habit of rushing things. Life is short enough as it is. I will take this journey one day at a time. I have a burning desire to complete all of my course requirements, but I know that I will have a ceremony as long as I complete them.

My moment of triumph is coming, whether it be sooner or later. Starting in January, my mission to graduate continues and I will likely have a different perspective in terms of what I want to accomplish and how significant of a task it is. The Great One is more than capable of graduating and I look forward to living out each individual day that shall lead me to that major pedestal in my life. I had never been to a graduation ceremony at Stockon, or at any other four year college for that matter. I am determined to become a part of the celebration when my time comes. This winter break is my rehabilitation and I plan on feeling rejuvenated as a result of it. My mind will be clear and my body is going to be well rested. Today's ceremony, coupled with the reinvigorating winter break that I am going to enjoy, will spark a whole new enthusiasm within myself come 2005.

After Jaime's ceremony was over, her family took us to Olive Garden for dinner. I had the chance to meet her grandparents. They were all very nice people and they seemed to take a liking to me. Jaime's grandmother was happy to see me knowing that I had hooked her up with a discount last Christmas when I was working at Macys. As I sat at the table and ate my dinner, it was interesting to see how they all interacted with each other as a family. Jaime's grandparents are awesome. One could indicate that they were all proud of Jaime for her accomplishments. The support that they were all showing her was a beautiful thing. I had a great time with Jaime and her family.

Tomorrow I am on-call at 9 am for work. Time will tell whether or not I have to go in to work for the day. In the event that I have to work, my only hope is that I am not closing. My plans are to drive up to Howell for Monday Night Football at 507 with Jaime and company. There should be some kind of special with the beers. Pizza pies will be $3.50 each. Hopefully I will be able to attend MNF at 507 so I can get my eat and drink on. I am also scheduled on Tuesday from 5pm until I get cut. Those who are not scheduled to close usually get cut around 9 or 10pm. After Tuesday, my Christmas vacation officially begins baby! I am psyched about going home for two weeks and spending the holidays with the family. Throughout the two weeks, I will also be spending time with Jaime. BG will probably be stopping by the crib as well. I look forward to seeing my boy from home. Tonight I will be watching television in the apartment, enjoying some drinks, and chilling out for the most part. Maybe Jeremy and G will join me. You never can tell.

Courtesy of fightnews.com.

Last night Glencoffe Johnson won a razor-thin split decision over Antonio Tarver to claim the World Light Heavyweight Championship! The fight was close from the very beginning up until the final bell. Many observers felt as though Tarver did enough to walk out with the championship. Regardless of how people felt about the outcome, this marks the 2nd major win in a row for Johnson. He bested former pound for pound champion Roy Jones Jr last September by knocking him out in 9 rounds. Now he has claimed victory over another legitimate prizefighter in Tarver. Over all, Johnson now has three solid wins in the light heavyweight division. He has defeated Erik Harding, Roy Jones Jr, and Antonio Tarver. For anybody who had previously labeled The Great One as a bandwagon fan, I am still a hardcore Tarver fan. I believe he will return stronger than ever from this set back. For now, Glencoffe Johnson is "The Man" in the light heavyweight division. Congratulations to Mr. Johnson.

Jaime will be calling me very shortly. I must get going. Everyone have a great night and come again for more updates. Believe me - this is all the education you need. 1 love.


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