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Wednesday, December 15, 2004 | posted in | 0 comments

There is still plenty to learn...

A little while ago I completed the last final exam I had left which happened to be Part II of Dr. Worthington's HRM Final Exam. My respect for Dr. Worthington has always been high. He has elevated himself to a higher level than any other professor/teacher I have had in my years of school. Human Resource Management was my final class with him. I had him for Intro/Management in 2003 and Business Policy and Strategy earlier this year. He is a wonderful person, an amazing professor, and as one of his students I will miss him dearly. I would like to take a moment to congratulate Jaime on successfully completing her college education today. She is graduating on Sunday, December 19 and I will be attending the ceremony with her family and April. She will be graduating with a G.P.A. that is damn near a 3.7. I envy her for her achievements and I am very proud. Way to go Jaime! I LOVE YOU.

I am so relieved that this semester has come to an end. Now is when the healing process once again begins for my tattered and overloaded mind. Slowly but surely, I will bring my mental state back down to par and relax my mind. Detox is sorely needed and this winter break is going to serve as a nice rehabilitation period from school. LOL. For the most part, this has been four months of torture. It was one of those semesters in which everything seemed to go wrong. Bad luck was the theme of the semester, from the multifunction switch malfunctioning(dating back to September) to my flat tire (October). My course load was also a little too heavy this semester. Donna actually warned me about taking too many significant courses the first day of school. I thought I could handle such a course load, but it was an extremely challenging task on my part.

As a person who had successfully completed so many courses throughout this past year and received such exemplary marks, I made the mistake of believing I could handle such a heavy course load. That was a major mistake on my part. I will learn from that experience and become better for it as a result. Humans learn through trial and error and I will learn from this experience (even though I only have one semester left). One can always learn from the past up until the day they die. We are always capable of learning as long as we are living. We must learn from mistakes that we make in history. History will repeat itself if we do not learn from it. This winter break should be just what I need. When the time comes for Spring Semester to start, I will feel refreshed. I will be ready to go about my courses with a new found hope. Let's not get into that though... At this moment I am enjoying the present.

I look forward to the holidays with great anticipation. Tomorrow I am going to the mall to do some Christmas shopping before going in to work at 6 o'clock. My two week vacation is going to be quite relieving as well as comforting. P.F. Chang's will be courteous enough to give me those two weeks, which I requested over a month ago, or else they have seen the last of me. The job is nice, but at the same time I certainly deserve a break. There is no doubt about that. In the event that they do not give me the time off, I shall walk out and explore my opportunities for future employment at either Borgata or The Hilton. Donna is capable of hooking me up with a job at Borgata. She helped open the hotel over two years ago. As a result, she has some really good contacts within that company.

Hopefully I do not have to walk away from my job at P.F. Chang's because I enjoy working there, but I must look out for what is in my best interest. Two weeks of vacation are in my best interest this winter. Rarely have I been able to drive home (up North) and see the family this semester. Throughout this past semester I only went home two times (my birthday and Thanksgiving). I have earned a break and I requested the time off way in advance. All management has to do to avoid me leaving the company is be good ladies and gentlemen and give me the time off that I requested.

Tonight is going to be absolutely wonderful for The Great One. Jaime is out with Laura doing some Christmas shopping. When she gets back, we are going to Blockbuster to rent Elf (starring Will Ferrell).

Shamefully I have not yet seen that movie but we will be watching it tonight. Everyone knows Will Ferrell from Saturday Night Live, but I never really took a liking to him until Old School came out in the theater. In my opinion, Old School was his coming-out party. I heard the movie was hysterical and I want to see it for myself. According to the people I speak to who have seen it, this is not your ordinary, everyday comedy. This movie contains "piss your pants" type comedy, which is comedy that is on an entirely different level. Gradually I am becoming more and more of a Will Ferrell fan, so I am really looking forward to seeing Elf.

At this point, it is time to make a trip to the liquor store for some well-deserved cold adult beverages. I need some time to just cool off and get my mind away from the responsibilities of college. Should be a lot of fun. Take care and keep on the look out for more updates. As I go about this winter break/rehabiliation process, they will be coming more frequently than ever! I know you are all PSYCHED. Hell, I have yet to post my Christmas List and New Years Resolutions!

Have a great night.

1 love.


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