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French maid loose at Stockton?!

Monday, January 10, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Two or three beers, and those French maids are OUT like
working girls on a busy Saturday night!

On call at 10 o'clock this morning, I got out of bed and called P.F. Chang's to see if they wanted me to come in or not. My manager Ryan answered the phone and stated that they did not need me today. WHEW! That means I am off from work today and tomorrow. Today is the perfect day for me to do whatever I want. Those types of days come few and far in between, but today appears to be one of those rare occasions.

Maybe The Great One will do some cleaning of the apartment later on in the day, but not a whole lot of cleaning. I happen to be on call on Wednesday as well, but we'll see if they want me to come in or not. I choose not to fret about the lost hours for the reasons that I had a really big work weekend and made plenty of money from this weekend alone (having worked 6 to close from Friday to Sunday). Next weekend I will be working from 6 to close on Friday and Saturday as well.

I drove to the school today to see if Donna was in her office because I had to talk to her about my professional experience and a few other things. Professor Scales was in the office and told me that she was not there, but she would be in tomorrow. Fair enough. I will return to the office tomorrow. My goal at this moment is to get everything sorted out before the semester starts so I can go about my last semester with as few unnecessary tasks as possible. If anybody can properly monitor my professional experience, it would have to be Donna. Dr. Whithem, director of Stockton's Hospitality Program, will be observing me for my summer internship, which is my very last requirement to be completed before graduation.

Jaime will be coming down to school to visit me tomorrow, which is nice because our schedules have been conflicting way too much. She should be here around 6:30 tomorrow night and she will sleeping over. I am really looking forward to seeing her once again. Perhaps we'll rent a movie from Blockbuster. We always used to rent movies and watch them on Saturdays when we were less busy than we are now.

At this moment it is time for me to leave the computer lab and head back to my apartment for a little while. Everyone have a nice day and come again for more news and information based on random activities at work (I know you like the most recent work-related story), boxing news, and some of the most intriguing and significant occurrences in my amazing life.

Take care, be safe, and keep on the look out for a drunken French maid.

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