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Facilities Management exam officially a success!

Friday, April 08, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

This post is rather lengthy, so... grab a snack, sit back, relax, and pay attention. Professor Scales returned our Facilities Management exams to us in class today. Low and behold, The Great One scored a 92%!!!! How great of a result is that??? After stating on 1,001 occasions how successful I was going to be, and confidently announcing it on here, such a result is nothing short of glorious! I do not f%&k around.

There is no mystery to the fact that I said I was going to do a really good job and the significance of a successful outcome. So glorious! A marvelous and magnificent outcome that serves as a right of passage for someone as intelligent and wise as myself! I am no joke people. I talked the talk and I walked the walk. Screw you multiple choice... The Great One has your number! This exam will make up for my poor performance on the first exam, for which I barely studied or gave any effort at all due to my severe illness. This time I was not confined to a bed coughing up a lung throughout the three week period leading up to the exam. This exam was a completely different story. That is truly the best I have ever done on a Donna Albano exam. Her exams are not the easiest exams either, but I came through in the clutch as I knew I would, hit a homerun, and aced this one like it was my job! I accept the honour and give God the glory.

God had this planned for me the entire time, which is why I predicted this exam would be a success so far in advance. Not only did I know it would happen, I knew it needed to happen. God knew the score in advance, which is why it was delivered to me in a dream last week. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I drempt I got a 92 - I think it was either a 91 or a 92 - one night in my sleep last week. There is no doubt in my mind that the man upstairs had the plan; all I had to do was carry on with the action to solidify that plan. This is a lesson for all of you to learn if you have not yet learned it. There is a God.

When God is with you, nobody can be against you. God will not always give you what you want. God will give you what you need. As long as God gives me what I need, I will make anything happen that needs to happen. Of course it also helps to be intelligent and make use of that muscle called the brain that is in my head. Know that NOTHING can alter my destiny when I am traveling down the highway of fortitude to make it happen. The test result has been so uplifting for me today; the fact that it's raining has totally gone over my head. Great result! ULTRA MEGA SUPER GLORIOUS! This is all a good sign. Thank you God. Expect plenty more where that came from.

Yeah... so in case you have never met me, I am THE GREAT ONE.

Last night was a really good time at Evan's Jungle Juice Party. I hardly knew any of the people, as some of regulars who are usually present - Ray, Anna, Kristen, Kevin, Chuck - were not there last night. However, Aaron managed to come to the party and have a pretty good time. Erin, Nicole, and Dave Flanders (my beer-brewing buddy) were also in attendance. The apartment had a festive look to it, as they decorated and made it look like a jungle with vines and bananas hanging from the ceiling. I got obliterated off of Jungle Juice, Hennessey, and bottles of Killian's Irish Red and Yuengling. Good times. Another great news item is that Jaime is coming down to visit me tonight. She will be here around 8:30 and she is staying until tomorrow when I have to go to work. We will probably get something to eat, rent a movie, and... you can come to your own conclusions on the rest. Deduce what you want.

I'm still heading to Nwing in a little bit to grab something small to eat with Ray and whoever would like to join us. For the most part, I am attending to be sociable with the crowd at hand.
That pretty much covers it all. Everyone have a great evening, enjoy your Friday night, and live it up like there is no tomorrow.

1 love.


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