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On call and not having to work!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

The Greatest feeling ever...Especially on a beautiful spring day!

Today I was once again on call, as I have been every Wednesday now for the past month or so. Usually the managers, especially Jared, make me come in On Wednesdays. Fortunately, on this beautiful, sunny, 70 degree day, I did not have to come into work tonight!! That was a blessing if there ever was one. Nobody should've had to work on a day as nice as today was. Today was absolutely beautiful. I am not sure who had to work today or not; I just know that I did not have to and that was perfectly fine with me.

Before leaving to go see the Barnegat Lighthouse, and then eventually driving back home, my Uncle J took me out for lunch today to the Galloway Diner. He got some Corn Chowder Soup while I ordered a Kansas City Grilled Chicken Sandwich (delicious!) Thank you Uncle J!

Tomorrow I am off from work as well as Friday night. The fact that they gave me Friday off is quite an unbelievable shock! Friday is not the type of day that management likes to give away that easily, unless of course one requests off. Even then it is not guarantee. The Great One has been going to work so frequently day after day and I feel as though I deserve a break so I can have some fun and clear my head. I deserve this time away from work to enjoy the gem that is the beautiful spring weather we have had. Lord knows I like to have cash in the pockets. I also enjoy being able to make money and feeling financially secure for someone at this stage of my life.

However, I also know that I am still young, still vibrant, and this is my final semester of college. I am beginning the final month of my extensive college career. There will be plenty of time to work in the future. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me getting three or four days off in a row from P.F Chang's. I think it is great. This feels wonderful! By the time Saturday night comes around, perhaps I won't feel as cranky at the beginning of my shift.

I have a menu test to take on Monday, which will decide whether or not I get in-house trainer certification. You know what? I will take some time to study for that test, but I am not going to lose any sleep worrying about it. Why should I worry about such a thing? They know that I am leaving their establishment in June. I know that I am heading into the final four weeks of the semester and I will have to give a bold account of myself to make the kinds of grades that will leave me satisfied.

I will do a little bit of studying for that menu test. If I pass it with a 90% or better, good. Grand. Wonderful! If I do not pass it, oh well. It is not like I am sticking with this job for another five years. I have plenty to worry about. I have plenty of business to keep me occupied for another couple years. God will not punish me if I fail to earn a 90% or better on a menu test that will determine my two status of in-house trainer! I find graduation from college, having fun, and scoring high on the GMATs to be much more significant. We'll see what happens. I will not worry about that. Worrying gives you premature wrinkles, which a couple people say I have... I don't think so. Those people are in a VAST minority, as I am still maintain a youthful look according to everybody else (including myself, most importantly). The Great One is very handsome!

Although it never hurts to take precautions. I bought this creme that is used following the cleansing of the face. Neutrogena makes it; it's anti-wrinkle creme, which reduces and prevents wrinkling of the skin. It is crucial that I do my best to preserve the youth of such a handsome face.

Fratority was in the house!!!!
Earlier today, Ray, Jhon, Anna, Brian, Jeremy and I all went to Nwing for dinner. They all kept trying to throw things in my coffee. Brian was successful on two attempts, landing both the broccoli and the Reeses candies into my cup. As a result, I did not drink that cup of coffee. Aaron joined us towards to end of the dinner period. After dinner, Ray, Anna, Brian and I went on another trip to Target. I ended up purchasing a 12 pack of Wild Cherry Pepsi. Why not Cherry Coke? Twelve packs of Cherry Coke were being sold for over $4.00 a piece. I bought a twelve pack of Wild Cherry Pepsi for $2.25. Although Coke still reigns supreme in the battle of Coke and Pepsi, the difference in the taste is not all that distinguishable.
We originally wanted to play volleyball by TRLC, but apparently those plans have been postponed. Many of us have work to do and it is getting pretty late. Tomorrow night I will be attending Evan's big Jungle Juice shindig. The kid is always inviting me over to parties at his apartment and I always end up having prior engagements. It is about time that I hang out with that crew (Evan, his new roommates, Nicole, Dan, Chuck, and sometimes the unforgettable beer brewing Dave Flanders makes a special guest appearance) because it has been a while. I have been looking forward to it for a few weeks now. The Great One will be live and direct in F-Court tomorrow night baby! It is going to be HOT!

For now, I must do some reading for Money and the American Imagination as well as some research for my Facilities Management group project. Everyone take care and be safe.


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