Last night was an awesome time for yours truly. I drove up to Howell to spend the evening with Jaime, as I usually do once or twice a week. We met Caroline, Charlie, Gena, and Laura at Chevys for $1 Margarita Night. The margaritas were magnificent. Very tasty. Jaime and I shared a $5 pitcher of Frozen Margarita and then I bought an individual $1 glass of Margarita on the rocks at the end of the night. Good times. Thank God there is a Chevys on Route 10 in North Jersey. I will definitely have to hit that up at various times throughout the summer. Jaime and I will also have to team up with Gena and Ken for some good times at the Laughing Lion as well, whenever Gena and Jaime are in town.
*Note* Ken and I are both North Jersey residents, with Ken residing in Randolph and The Great One, yours truly, living in D-town AKA Dova' Rico.
Today is a pretty nice day. It is a little breezy outside, but the sun is out and this is still a gorgeous day to be outdoors. So it turns out that I did not get an A in Money and the American Imagination. I did not even get an A-. The Great One's final grade in that class was a B+, which I felt was the worst case scenario. Not only did I get a B+, but it was an 89!!!! C'mon G.T.! Give me one more point, for being good looking if anything , so I can get an A-!
There goes my 4.0. Oh well, life goes on. What else can I say? Perhaps my work ethic was not solid enough to bring me to an A in that class. Earlier in the semester, I stated that my work ethic in school might be lacking a bit in terms of achieving excellence in all of my courses. I would say I put in a B+ effort for that class rather than an A effort. I previously announced that I would get an A in Money and the American Imagination because the professor said she was giving the people who showed up to class (a week ago this past Tuesday) six bonus points. I perceived that to be six points added on to my final grade; that was not the case. She gave anybody who showed up that day six of the 12 possible points for The Great Gatsby quiz we took one week ago today. Therefore, the bonus was much less significant to my final grade than I originally anticipated. Brilliance and outstanding essay writting can only get a brainiac such as myself so far. I definitely should have done more of the reading assignments, but it is all over now. I do not feel I lost anything out of this, as I look foward to graduating and excelling with my summer internship. It is the present and future that I must concern myself with. Both of those have some promising things in store for The Great One. Oh, yes they do!
I plan on taking my GMATs early in 2006, possibly as early as January. I will do extremely well on that test. It has been on my mind for a few years now.
I still have two more courses to complete. Those are Hospitality Control and Facilities Management. I will be submitting my portfolio for Hospitality Control on Tuesday, May 3. I will also be taking my final exam for Facilities Management on Wednesday, May 4. I will make the necessary preparations for that exam and I definitely look to be successful with it.
Other blurbs:
- Tonight marks yet another chicken bar at N-Wing. Dinner tonight at 6pm for those who would like to join me. Final chicken bar of the year. Final chicken bar ever at Stockton for The Great One. Those who would like to join me are more than welcome to. I know Anna and Ray are definitely coming along.
- The Great One will be attending Rutgersfest this Friday, but I will be getting there a bit late. Nas, as well as the Drop Kick Murpheys (the band that performed at Stockton earlier this semester) will be performing at R.U. Fest this year. I could be hitting up James' crip with Jaime, April, and the rest of their gang. However you look at it, The Great One is once again returning to New Bruni...
- The Great One will also be returning to D-town, my old stompin' grounds, late in the afternoon on Saturday. I will be there until late Sunday night/early Monday morning. At that point, I will be returning to Stockton to finish the semester.
- For the first time in eight months, I will have the privledge of watching a fight this weekend! Yes, that's right. I have been limited to the cheap, low budget ESPN matches here at school, but I will be at home to watch this weekend's edition of HBO World Championship Boxing. WBA Heavyweight Champion John "The Quiet Man" Ruiz will be defending his title against James "Lights Out" Toney at Madison Square Garden in New York. The weigh-in for the fight was held today at Madison Square Garden. Ruiz weighed in at 241lbs, whereas Toney tipped the scale at 233lbs. Usually, I try not to get overly excited over an upcoming fight with John Ruiz. Afterall, he does spend more time trying to hug his opponents rather than beat them up in the ring. However, as long as James Toney is prepared for a tough fight, I doubt he is going to put up with the herky-jerky style that Ruiz fights with. The Great One predicts that a conditioned Toney will knock Ruiz out in the 10th round on a bodyshot (Ruiz does not take bodyshots well and James is a great inside fighter), but if Toney is not in sufficient fighting shape, Ruiz will find some bizzare way (probably hugging, clinches, and a couple punches in between) to defeat Toney (most likely on points). When it comes down to it, This fight is probably going to get dirty due to their styles. I look for this to be a wild and entertaining affair between two top heavyweight contenders, who have a genuine dislike for one another.
That is all for now. I know that was a long post, but that is not a bad thing when you consider who is posting and the material that I post.
Take care and be safe. 1 love.