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Does the work ethic need improvement?

Thursday, March 10, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

What's the good word ladies and gentlemen? It has been a few days since there has been an update, but I can assure you there is plenty to talk about.

So we had one beautiful day on Monday, when the temperature rose as high as 63 degrees! What the hell has happened since then??? Is there some vengeful, supernatural force that feels the need to severely punish us for each nice day we have??? For every one nice day there is, 10 to 15 freezing cold days immediately follow. Is that really the way it's supposed to work?


Our evening in Atlantic City two nights ago was superb to say the very least. In fact, the past two days have been wonderful. Jaime ended up staying with me on campus for another night after our evening in Atlantic City. There is much to talk about as well as pictures to show from last Tuesday night. If I was to combine that with today's thoughts and occurences, this individual post would be massive. Therefore, expect a separate post pertaining to our festivities in Atlantic City, which has already been identified as "The Celebration of Life," either later this evening or tomorrow afternoon.

Today we had a quiz in Money and the American Imagination and I totally blew it. Why did I do so bad?? I did not finish the readings that I was assigned days ago. Fortunately the quiz was only worth five points, which does not totally kill my chances of earning a high grade in the course (I can still get an A). The fact is that I did not finish the reading assignment and that is why I did as poorly as I did. At that moment, I discovered that I am an extremely intelligent and knowledgable young man with a work ethic that needs significant improvement. It is true that I am a hard worker at my job, but it is my work ethic at school that needs to be straightened out.

About two weeks ago, I actually had one day that I was very proud of. On that day, I wrote down three or four things that I needed to get done and I completed each of those tasks. I really need to use that particular day as a model for success on a daily basis. I have a daily planner, but very rarely do I ever use it. I recently started using it and will continue to do so from here on out. Here are a few things that I need to do today. My goals, in no particular order, are to:

  • complete Chapter 6 Facilities Management reading and homework
  • continue reading Sister Carrie (for Money and the American Imagination). I do not read books with titles like that for my own pleasure.
  • do a load of laundry
  • enjoy the Thursday night chicken bar
  • attempt to clean the apartment
  • begin the next set of case studies for Hospitality Control
Spring Break begins for The Great One tomorrow at 12:35. For the most part, I will be working throughout the entire week. I will also be making money at a time when so many others are spending it. Nonetheless, I will probably be returning to D-town for a day or two whenever I get the chance. The fact that I have spent two and half weeks in D-town throughout the past seven months is shocking. I really have not been up in that area very much at all. Hopefully I have time away from work to go home for a day or two. Regardless of whether or not I have to work next week, the fact that I am getting away from class for a week is going to be relieving for me. I need to some time to relax, earn a little money, see the family, and chill with some friends.

That is all for now. At this point, I need to get some work done in an attempt to complete those goals listed above. Everyone have a nice afternoon and check back either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon for the aftermath of our fun times in Atlantic City last Tuesday night!

Until then... take care, be safe, and bundle up in this ridiculous cold weather.


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