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Back from an eventful weekend! Part II

Sunday, September 11, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Gas prices: going down???

The Great One has noticed a decrease, albeit a minimal decrease, in the gas prices. Hopefully they continue to go down as time marches on.

This past weekend, as I mentioned in the previous post, I went to Jenk's with Jaime and some of her friends. First of all, I had not been to Jenk's for the entire summer due to the high cover charges and high volumes of people in attendance. For the most part, I stuck with Bar-A throughout the summer months. Nonetheless, it felt great being back at Jenk's, which has a really nice sized dance area. Friday night was an incredible time for me. During the summer, I had my share of crazy times, but this was a nice evening for me to chill out, have a few drinks, and dance. The drinks can be a bit expensive, but they also some great deals on mixed drinks. Cranberry Juice and Vodka was only $1 and beers such as Coors Light and Miller Lite were only $2. The Jack and Coke, however, was a rip off at $6 (for the small cups that they were served in). Throughout the evening, I felt bad for Jaime. She looked stressed, as well as sad, and I wish she had had a better time. School and work and both going to keep her busy, but I know she has some fun times coming up.

Hoboken is on the horizon.

May God have mercy on the souls of the victims in the Hurricane Katrina disaster. This will go down as a horrible and unforgettable tragedy. I have contributed some money to the relief; hopefully many of you have also done the same. With certain locations buried as deep as 15 to 20 feet under water, there is little to no chance of restoring the town to what it used to be. New Orleans, known for its Mardi Gras festivities and [even farther back in time] its primitive days of slavery and haunted houses, has an even greater reputation now as a ghost town. I suspect that thousands of tormented souls, both from the recent hurricane and the ancient days of slavery, will roam the abandoned streets (currently buried in tons water) for many years to come. May God have mercy...

At this point, I am going to stop. Everyone have a great night. Take care and be safe. In regards to an official date for the GMAT, I am very close to making an announcement. Keep on the look out for that in within the next few days. That is a very important test; it could determine quite a bit. It is a challenge that The Great One will indeed get up for mentally and physically. A challenge that will yet again illustrate just how I great I am and can truly be. I look forward to it.

If you remember nothing else, remember this: I will be successful on that test.


God Bless America...Remembering September 11, 2001

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