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A successful all-nighter! "Sassysandals got sandals."

Thursday, March 24, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

As challenging and tiresome as it appeared to be, The Great One has made it through an all-nighter of school work. Moments ago, I completed my four to five page essay due in about four hours for Money and the American Imagination based on Sister Carrie. *applause* We are finally done with that book... *an even greater applause*.

Tuesday was a really fun day. The Great One went to Nwing for dinner, accompanied by Jhon and Brian. Anna and Ray were also at dinner. Afterwards, Jhon, Ray, Anna, and I decided to go to the liquor store. We also went to Target for party supplies; Anna was planning on throwing a surprise birthday party for Erin. We spent a decent amount of time in Target. I was on a mission to find Cherry Coke. Sassysandals got sandals. We also went to Dollar Tree, where I bought Spicy Cajun Pringles for $1.00 as opposed to paying the $1.89 Wawa charges for them. Great time at Anna's last night in celebration of Erin's birthday.

Yesterday I was on call for work at 3pm and they told me I had to come in. The moment I walked into to the dining area of the restaurant, I realized how dead it was. After about an hour had passed by, I also realized that none of the scheduled employees for the evening had called out sick. All of the server assistants who were scheduled to work were present in the restaurant. What the hell did I get called in for? Better yet... one of the server assistants was scheduled from 12 to mid, which means he came in at noon and was scheduled to work until approximately 8 or 9pm (middle of the dinner shift). Around 6:45, the one manager decides that he's going to cut the man because the restaurant did not need six server assistants!
Basically, they called me (somebody who was on on call and apparently did not have to be there) in just so they could cut the man (who was scheduled to work a mid) much earlier than he should've been cut. Yeah, that will be the day that I work a mid and get cut at 6:45! They cut him because they claimed they didn't need six server assistants on the floor. I totally agree with that. The problem is... they should have kept the employee who was scheduled to work the mid until 9pm and left me the hell alone! What they did made absolutely no sense.

The Great One does not mean to complain or sound like a whiner (I know I sound like one right now), but something about that situation doesn't seem quite right to me. Spending too much time at a place of employment will eventually make you sick of the place, regardless of how much money you are making. On top of everything else, I do have school work that I am responsible for as well.

Nonetheless, I still made a little bit of money and managed to get cut relatively early at 10pm. I need to sit down with one of the managers and review the total number of hours that I have worked since November 29, 2004. Once I reach 400 hours, I can start my summer internship. I do not have to wait until the official start time in June, which is awesome.

Today should be a pretty nice day. Jaime is coming down for the night. We're going out for dinner tonight and renting a movie afterwards. At 2:30, there's going to be a Hospitality Management guest speaker at TRLC. Students in Donna's classes who attend the lecture will receive extra credit in one of her classes. Nuff' said. I will definitely be at the lecture. After that, I am heading back to the apartment for a nice little nap before Jaime gets here. These all nighters eventually catch up with you at some point during the day.

That is all for now. I still have to study for Monday's Facilities Management exam, which will be a success. Everyone have a great day. 1 love.


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