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Post-exam thoughts and feelings!

Monday, March 28, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Earlier today I took the 2nd exam for Facilities Management and I felt as though I did really well. I might have gotten tripped up on one of the open ended questions, but for the most part I believe I was successful in my efforts to get a good grade. There were a couple multiple choice questions that I had to guess the answer to, but when I checked the textbook after the test was over, it turned out that I had guessed the correct answers!

Prior to taking the exam, I made note of the fact that this 2nd exam would a success for yours truly. We will see what the result is within the next couple days. God willing, my score will be as high as I expect it to be. Establishing a goal, preparing one self to achieve that goal, and ultimately accomplishing what one had intended to do is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It gives one such a sense of accomplishment...

Jeremy is reading all of this and none of it comes off as a suprise. You heard it word for word at lunch today, didn't you??

Today is a rainy day, but were are supposed to get some really nice weather later this week. I heard the temperature is supposed to increase as high as 65 degrees! Wouldn't that be nice? Due to preceptorial advising, classes are not being held tomorrow. In addition to that terrific news, I do not have to work tomorrow. I get a free day all to myself. It has been quite some time since I actually had one of those.

Believe me... I will take advantage of my free time the maximum capacity.

Tomorrow night was supposed to be a concert here at Stockton that featured Gavin DeGraw, but he bitched out and according to Pedro Santana, associate director of on-campus housing, "he made a very unprofessional decision and put his fans last." To replace McGraw, Stockton is bringing in Drop kick Murphey's, Jem, and Michael Tolcher. My response: "Big whoop!" I do not listen to any of their music. I was not even going to attend the concert in the first place.

Perhaps Anna, Jhon, Ray and I can make another trip to Target tomorrow night. I am due for another 12 pack of Cherry Coke (greatest soda in the world).

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