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A respectable day!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Pretty decent day I am having today, I must admit.

This is the second day in almost two weeks that I do not have to work. That is definitely a good thing. I have plenty of money, both in my pockets and my bank account. That is another situation to be happy about. Professor Lenard chose not to quiz us on Sister Carrie today, which was a beneficial decision for me on her part. Donna is collecting the case studies for Workplace Diversity on Thursday rather than today.

These are all positive things that have happened to me on this respectable day. My plan is to be productive and get some work done. Right now, I have three goals on my mind and they are the following:

  • Finish collecting manager's names, phone numbers, and addresses for the survey project in Hospitality Control.
  • Finish reading and reviewing Sister Carrie in preparation for the essay that is due on Thursday in Money and the American Imagination.
  • Read some of the text for Facilities Management and begin studying for next Monday's exam, which will be a success.
So... I was driving to the Wawa on White Horse Pike last night to get a sub, a Redbull, and some iced tea. I noticed a sign on the one door (which was locked) that said, "Please use the other door." I walk over to the other door and enter the store, noticing that all the shelves had been moved around and boxes and equipment were obstructing my path through the store. Apparently there was a custodial staff doing a thorough cleaning of the floors. On top of all that, the man doing most of the cleaning gives me a dirty look and tells me to come back later!!!

It was bad enough the douchebag was preventing me from making the quick purchase I had intended to make, but he chose to get moody about it as well??? That's not very good for business, now is it????

"Go hump a doornob, retard! I'll simply go to another Wawa!"

Meanwhile, 10 other people besides me came into the store and were told to wait until the floors the were done. They all stood there waiting to make their purchases as these fools took their good old time moving the shelves around the store. They were making more of a mess than cleaning the floors. Eventually, I left to go to another Wawa (there's one located on practically every street in every town in South Jersey). Soon enough, I purchased my goods and made my way back to the apartment. The nerve of some people...

Anyway, there is no time like the present to get my ass in gear and do some work. Perhaps I will take time out of my schedule tonight to chat with up and coming heavyweight contender Calvin Brock in the Boxingtalk chatroom. Also appearing in the chatroom will be Former Three Division Champion James "Lights Out" Toney, who is challenging John Ruiz for the WBA Heavyweight Championship on April 30.

Everyone have a nice day (hopefully it is a decent for you as it is for me) and be safe.


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