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Fright Fest at Great Adventure... and the Olive Garden!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

4 days until my birthday! The celebration will be in Atlantic City on Saturday night!

Halloween certainly did not prevent the vultures from coming out to eat at the Olive Garden last night. During a dinner shift filled with complexity, chaos, madness, and frustation, I put myself through hell and back to earn $94. The best night I have so far, money-wise, but not necessarily the healthiest shift of my life mentality-wise. I was indeed present at Fright Fest last night for Halloween, but it was not the one at Six Flags Great Adventure!

At the end of the night, I went with a bunch of my work buddies to T.G.I. Fridays to get a small bite to eat and some drinks. Whenever we go to Friday's, it is never a dull moment. The group consisted of Mike, Eileen, Beth, Peter, Gabe, George, Steve-O, and myself. Steve-O was talking to some ladies at the bar and the rest of us watched to see what might happen as a result of that. I ate chicken quesadillas and drank an Ultimate Mudslide, a large Yuengling Draft, and a bottle of Heineken.

After such a rough night at work, we needed some time when we could just go out, get some drinks, and cool down.

That is all for now. Take care and keep reading.


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