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Saturday, November 05, 2005 | posted in | 4 comments

Life is too short to be small. ~Benjamin Disraeli

Age is a number and mine is unlisted. ~ Anonymous

Old age is always 15 years older than I am. ~ Bernard Baruch

Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the
best improve with age.

Joad At 20 years of age the will reigns; at
30 the wit; and at 40 the judgment.

There are three hundred and sixty-four days
when you might get un-birthday presents ... and only one for birthday
presents, you know.
~Lewis Carroll

Tonight is the night ladies and gentlemen; a night of celebration and festivities dedicated to my quarter of a century birthday - a landmark, if you will. I am hearing some rumors about this celebration; some have said that tonight is a night for which anything could happen. We will see. The suspense is pounding... let it last for a little while. This day is HUGE. God bless this beautiful day of the year, for which I was created. Only on my birthday could the temperature be in the 70s in New Jersey in the month of November! Frost on your car windows and winter clothing is usually the norm this time of year. By golly, that is not the case on MY birthday. Think about it!

Later this evening, we are off to Atlantic City for a magical, yet unpredictable evening. Sounds intriguing! I dearly thank and praise everyone who is going to be in attendance... I am still not 100% sure! LOL.

4 Responses So far
on 5:13 PM  

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on 9:45 PM  

fu birthday bitch

on 9:46 PM  

love u ok

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