Much to my surprise, I discovered last night that Shana, our supposedly "female" feline, is actually a male!!!
It all started when my mother brought her (now him) to the veterinarian to have her tooth checked out. The front tooth was sticking up out of her mouth. According to the vet, she had a serious jaw infection, which lifted the tooth up out of her gums - she also had a winky, without a set, all these years. If you follow the vet's lead, she is a fixed male.
I was startled when my mother told me this on the phone last night. Come on now... how much time do you actually spend examining your pet's genitals??? Personally, I try not to make it a hobby of mine. That was the first time we actually had to take him the the vet and we ended up with an alarming discovery. After all the years of calling him Shana, it will take plenty of cat therapy to restore this poor feline's self esteem.
Is this the week of the transgendered????
First, I become acquainted with the widely renowned and transgendered Dylan Scholinski at Monmouth University... and now I realize my pet is in a similar situation. Female firmly believing and feeling like she is a male, male being catered to as a female, almost identical circumstances! Perhaps they can exchange their equipment. Oh my God, that was disgusting!
Due to the update of this cat's newly discovered sex, Shana will now be renamed Shane. Oh our little hermaphrodite kitty cat - how cute! Even more frightening, all of those carnal poses of flirtation, coming directly from Shane, targeted at the two other male cats (Raz and Dinky), may yet symbolize homosexuality in the third of the three male cats we have in our house!!!
on 12:06 PM
Carnival Of The Mobilists #5
This week Carnival of the Mobilists was hosted by Troy Norcross of Consumer Preference.
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on 12:18 AM
on 12:19 AM
i wrote the above comment btw lol love you honey
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