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The Great One is doing great!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

No time to backpedal... BIG plans in 2005!

Beautiful weather we had here today! As I walked outside to head to class this morning, I noticed how much warmer it was.

The last few days have been superb for The Great One. On Monday night Jaime came down to visit me here at school. She stayed for a few days and left this morning when I went to my Facilities Management class. Last night, Jaime and I went to the mall and looked around in some of the stores.

She was debating whether or not to buy this Coach bag she really wanted that was on sale. Originally priced at $198, Macy's was selling it for $136. Instead, she opted to purchase a $15 bag at Shoe Dept., realizing that she would have plenty of loans to pay back in the next few months. Afterwards Jaime, Keeley, Jeremy, and I went to Chili's for dinner. Fun times with good friends. We concluded the evening by playing War (card game), having some mixed drinks in the livingroom, and ...

The fact that Jaime was here for such an extensive period of time really made my week. Having her around is always enjoyable, especially since I do not see her everyday anymore. Tomorrow night I am heading up to Howell once again to go to Bar-A with her and her peeps. Yeah I know, this is becoming a habit on my part. This is either the second or third Thursday night in a row that I am going to Bar-A, but I can not resist getting 75 cent drinks from my girlfriend.

On top that, we usually have a tremendous time getting our dance on. At the end of the night, we will probably grab a bite to eat at Windmill as well. We love those chili cheese fries! I discovered that Windmill is a great place to go for a post-drunk meal.

Lately there has been talk of a trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL for spring break. I really hope this trip is finalized within the next week or so because I would love to go there! I have never been to Florida before, let alone Disney World! I believe such a trip would be quite an experience; adventurous to say the least. It would certainly be The Great One's first time on an airplane! Isn't that amazing? Whatever. I have absolutely nothing to fear and I expected this to happen eventually.

There is also talk of a road trip to North Carolina. I also plan on flying out to California to visit my friend Scott and his wife Liesel in August. As you can see, there are plenty of activities in store for The Great One and I plan to take advantage of every single one of them should they occur.

This semester is going really well. I am pleased with my performance up to this point, as I have produced some really good results. A couple of days ago, my spirit of capitalism essay was returned to me by my professor in Money and the American Imagination. Her comments read,

"Bryan, Overall, a very nice job! A few errors, problems, etc, but I like this essay, and I think your writing is clear - a pleasure to read, too! Nice organization. Good for you!"

How magnificent is that?

Perhaps within the next few days, I will post the actual essay for all of you - my family, friends, and fans - to read here at BLOG OF BRYAN. I am pretty talented and there is no doubt that my talent should be put on display when necessary. Only certain talents though, so get
your mind out of the gutter if you're thinking about something else.

Donna also returned one of my case studies to me in Hospitality Control. At the top of
the paper, she wrote, "Thorough Job" and gave me a check plus. Such noble
results for an academic scholar who works a job, parties, and still manages to
complete his course work. At this point in time, this is as good as I have
performed in school in a very long time. I am ready, willing and able to finish
this stage on my life on a high note. There is no better way to leave this game
than on top. As I have said on many different occasions, in the end my
brilliance and intelligence will prevail. There have been times when I have
gotten fed up with school and the attitudes of some of my professors, but in the
end I always get the job done! I will complete this final semester of college
and continue to progress in the work force as well as life.

For now, I have another essay about Benjamin Franklin to write and it is in my best interest to complete that as soon as possible. I also have to work on some case studies. Before I do that, I'm going to Wawa to get some coffee so I can stay awake. Be sure to come back again soon for some more updates and news based on this living legend and puglist of life. It's about to get HOT.


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