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The Road Back:

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

To health and life the way I know it...

Today I actually went to both of my Tuesday/Thursday classes.

How about that???

In Money and the American Imagination, we talked about Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class. I never thought I would come across an author who was almost as bad as Max Weber. Apparently Weber has met his match with Veblen. In Hospitality Control, Donna asked me if I was feeling any better. I told her that I was a little better, but that I also faced difficulties with the managers at my job. At any rate, I do feel a little better today. Nonetheless, I will continue to take it easy and try not to overexert myself. I must continue to take my antibiotics.

I never mentioned what I received from Jaime for Valentine's Day. She got me Dodgeball - A True Underdog Story (Fullscreen Edition) on DVD! I absolutely love that movie. I watched it last night as I laid down on the couch and relaxed. She also bought me a beautiful spring shirt from American Eagle along with a new hat and a box of chocolates. I ended up buying her Napoleon Dynamite and Garden State on DVD. I also got her a box of chocolates and took her to Gourmet for dinner on Valentine's Day. I know Valentine's Day was over a week ago, but I have been sick for quite some time and I never really got a chance to provide you with my post-Valentine's Day feedback.

Even though I will be conducting my summer internship very soon, I look forward to the warmer weather. Not even the summer season, but the warmer weather in general. Lord knows I love going to the beach and walking up and down the boardwalk. There is nothing better than going to the shore and smelling the sea breeze. In addition to that, being able to walk around outside and breath the fresh air is comforting. I still remember last spring semester, when Jaime and I would occasionally go out for walks around the campus once the weather got warmer. I can not stand walking outside and feeling like my face is freezing. The warm weather and sunny days can not come soon enough.

As much as I have been trying to "live in the now," the present has still managed to trouble me and I can not hide that. Along with being sick as a dog, my job has been nothing short of irritating due to the way management handles problems with employees. Who wants to work in a place where management could care absolutely less about you? No matter what one does, it is simply not good enough. If I go into work sick and move a little slower than normal, I get reprimanded for giving such a poor account of myself. If I call out because I am sick, management rubs in my face the fact that I called out all those times. What am I supposed to do??

Such a disgraceful situation makes me want to count down the days I have left at P.F. Chang's. I assure you my days at that establishment are numbered. I am taking this job for the money and the 400-600 hours of Professional Experience. At this point, I believe I am going to call it quits when I reach 400. Originally I had thought about the idea of staying with them for the internship because of the fact that I had been there since the place opened in December. In the beginning the job seemed so intriguing and my experiences were pleasant. My feelings have changed since then and I could really care less at this moment. I really feel as though I need to gain some experience in a hotel. Hotels are generally less stressful than restaurants. Perhaps I will try the Hilton Garden Inn by the mall for my Summer Internship, which is literally two minutes from my house.

Overall the last two weeks have taken me on a very bumpy road with a lot of sharp turns and inclines. Hopefully there is brightness and happiness coming my way on this road very soon. The bumps have been just a little too much and I need to come across the smoothness at some point.

That is all I have to say right now. Everyone have a good day and stay as healthy as you can. Keep on the look out for more updates in the near future. Now that I am up and about a little more, I will try to post more often. It can be rather difficult to update when you are constantly laying on your back and coughing up a lung. God willing, I will not be in that horrible position again any time soon.

Exam tomorrow in Facilities Management. Must be prepared for it.

A special thanks goes out to my mother for paying for my antibiotic and offering to pay for me to see a real doctor. Thanks also goes out to Jaime and her mother for taking such good care of me when I went to visit them last Thursday. I really appreciate it folks!


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