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Wednesday, February 02, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Ok I need to take a break from this Weber "capitalism" essay that is due tomorrow at 10:30 am. There is only so much one can tolerate in terms of run-on sentences and being taught that wealth is a negative thing (as if poverty is any better).

Even though Weber is clearly the love of our coffee- drinking, chocolate-loving professor's life , his works tend to be a bit heavy on the eye and brain. I certainly attest to the belief that obtaining riches through hard work in one's calling is in God's graces. That's just my view of the matter (a bright view at that ). As I have said before, I would rather be wealthy than impoverished. Who takes pride in being poor?

Tonight I am working from 6pm to close for what will be my last night of server assistant training. Hopefully that shift goes along smoothly and I do not run into any major complications. I am just trying to get through this day as peacefully and stressless as I can. The world is my oyster. It is incumbent on me to keep my life and responsibilites as stable as possible. Perhaps I should go to work in a happy mood with the train of thought that everything is going to be alright. This is where the optimistic approach that I had talked about using comes into play.

Sometimes it helps for me to get in a zone or trap myself in my own little world at work, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else or prevent me from doing my job. Doing so contributes to making the time go by faster. Usually I am a psyched and ready to go to work after drinking one of those Rock Star Energy Drinks. Energy drinks are effective for as long as they last, until you eventually come back down from the fix. I have also tried Amp and Redbull and they're not bad either. They have their own unique tastes and they are just as effective as Rock Star.

As a result of getting up at 8:45 am to work on my paper and attend a meeting, I just remembered that I only ate breakfast today. As I listen to the rumbling of my stomach and feel my appetite beginning to peak, I realize that I have to get lunch.

Everyone take care, have a nice day, and come again soon!


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