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New Jersey: "The Wetland State!"

Friday, June 03, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Another rainy day in this state I live in called "The Garden State." Gardens need to be watered, but they do not need this much water! With all of the rain that we get, New Jersey's name should be "The Wetland State." Most of the time, we are faced with cloudy skies and rain. I suppose I am used to it after my 24 years of residence here, but I could certainly use some more 80 to 90 degree days (with sunshine) in the month of June.

Wouldn't it also be nice if the beaches were free to enter during the summer months??? New Jersey is the only state in the country that charges its citizens to enter beach premises during the summer. How can a state charge people to enjoy the ocean? Both the ocean and the beach are nature's creations. It is not as though they are products of the state or the government. They did not physically "create" or " manufacture" the beach or the ocean. Let us enjoy such beautiful nature for free! I would accept the the responsibility of pumping my own gas (NJ being the only state in which you do not pump your own gas) as opposed to paying for a day at the beach any day of the week.

That would certainly be nice, but I am still willing to pay $5 for a day at the beach because that is how much I love being there. First, the appropriate summer weather is required for me to do so.
Yesterday I spent the morning and afternoon in Howell with Jaime before eventually going to work at 6pm. We watched a couple episodes of Full House at noon. Afterwards, we went to Chick Fillet for lunch and then Cold Stone Creamery for some ice cream. I order a Love-it sized Birthday Cake Remix, which was very good! Jaime and I shared the ice cream. We also went to Target to do our customary family-style window shopping.

Today I am working from 6pm until cut. Who knows if I will actually get cut tonight? One of the closers are bound to approach me and ask if I can close for them. That did not happen last night, but it happens all too frequently. I have never seen so many people who are afraid to close a restaurant. If I am asked to close tonight, I just might do so for the extra money. I have quite a bit of money at the moment, but I could always use more. Earlier this afternoon, I deposited some cash. That is exactly what I am going to do every time I receive tip money and pay checks. I will immediately deposit about 80% of the money and keep the other 20% for leisure.

Tomorrow I am on-call at 3pm, which sucks, because Ray's graduation party is tomorrow and I have been unable to switch the shift with someone or have it released all together. I hope that I do not have to go in so I can attend Ray's party. The plan of action is to leave at 10am tomorrow, head up to Howell to spend the day with Jaime, and call in at 3pm from her house. In the event that I do not have to go into work, I will leave Jaime's and drive up to Edison (only about 30-35 minutes North of Howell) and go to Ray's house. If I have to go to work, it will either be at 5pm or 6pm. In that case, I will leave Jaime's and drive straight to work (which is only an hour and 15 minutes South of Howell). If I am unable to attend Ray's graduation party, I give Ray my sincere condolences and hope to see him sometime next week, when neither one of us are working, so I can buy him some drinks. If tomorrow proceeds according to the previous two Saturdays (when I did not have to go in being on call), I will be attending Ray's party.

Right now, I have to go check on my laundry and make myself something to eat. Everyone have a nice day, be safe, and come again soon. 1 love.


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