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Summer weather suddenly strikes, Hatton dethrones Tszyu, and The Great One continues to amaze at P.F. Changs!

Sunday, June 05, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Tszyu does not come out for the 12th round! "No Mas!"

I did not see the fight last night (I was working until 12:15), but that is a shocking result. The fight took place in Manchester, England, which is Hatton's home turf. From what I have been reading and hearing, Kostya Tszyu, 35, looked every bit his age and got outhustled by the younger, quicker, and more aggressive Manchester native. Hatton basically walked through the champion, took his best shots, and wore him down with an accumulation of punishment. At the start of the 12th round, Tszyu had had enough and simply said, "No Mas." For more information, click here.

After all the rain comes heat and sunshine I suppose. Today is a gorgeous day; perhaps the nicest day we have had all year so far. It feels really hot outside, but the sun is also shinning bright and I am shinning with it. I worked today from open (10am) until 5pm. In tips, I made $44 today as well as $74 last night. Last night was without a doubt one of the busiest nights we have had in the seven month history of the restaurant. Throughout the entire weekend combined, I made a grand total of $218 in tips. How marvelous is that????? I have heard many compliments over the past few days regarding my efforts at work.

"Bryan, you are the best server assistant!"

"You are the

"You are doing a kick ass job."

"Bryan, you totally cleaned house!"

"You pop up just at the right

"Please don't leave me with him!!!!"
-last night's closer, when she discovered that I was not closing. She ended up closing with the laziest and slowest server assistant in the restaurant.

Thank you, thank you very much! I am The Great One, and you know you can't knock the hustle baby.

The Great One is not a self-proclaimed title. It is merely a fusion of compliments given to me by others. I earn the name more and more each day of my life.

The fact that I am pulling in such a substantial income at this time in my life (pre-graduation) is beautiful. Life is currently at a level base and I am making the money that is needed to get me through each passing day successfully.

Each day this coming week, it is supposed to be 85 to 90 degrees! Super! I am off from work Tuesday through Thursday, so I am ready to head for the beach. A trip to the beach has been long overdue for yours truly, but so has the nice weather that we just beginning to have.

It is time for me to go. Take care and come again soon.

Enjoy the weather!


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