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This is just the beginning!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

College is finito, but The Great One has plenty more to offer!

I woke up at 10am this morning and drove straight to Ocean City so I could go for a run up and down the boardwalk. It is time for me to get back into top shape, so that I may feel better than I do right now (which is still pretty good). Beautiful day today! The Great One went tanning out on the beach and briefly went in the water as well.

When I take my GMAT next year, I really want to be in superb physical condition. People ask me why I think like that. The Great One believes that people can perform better on tests when they are in appropriate physical condition. Back in the day when I ran cross country and track in high school, I seemed to do even better on tests than I do now. I still reasonably well with testing, but I want to give myself the best opportunity possible to excell and progress to the next phase of my life.

Believe ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning. I am still in the process of showing the world what I am truly made of. I have yet to scratch the surface of my God given talent, but I am coming closer and closer into contact with that surface. Next year will be yet another landmark in which I showcase what I am truly made of the entire world. I will excell on the GMAT.

Jaime just got here, so it is time for us to eat and hang out. Take care, have a great day, and stay tuned for more updates which are coming very soon!


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