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Back to where I was, but elevated this time around!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Wow! The low price for New Jersey Gas today is $2.39. Gas prices are definitely going back down, which is good news for this Jersian.

Procrastination has the been the name of this big baller's game in the last couple days. Monday marked the first day of my Hospitality Management internship, which I am conducting as a server at the Olive Garden I work at. My internship deals with service, management, and Point of Sale (P.O.S.) systems.

One of my assignments has been to come up with a schpeel that I will be using to greet the guests as well as endorsing special foods and beverages. Such an assignment seems easy enough, but I must make sure my greeting does not sound too cheesy or corny. I also have to memorize the first 22 wines on the wine list as well as all of the premium (regular, super, and ultra) vodkas, rums, gins, scotches, etc. This takes time, but I will accomplish it if I really want to make money and ace this internship. Sitting down to go over the material and look over all of those products is the difficulty that I am having.

Before my ordeal in July, I was trying to land a server position at P.F. Chang's China Bistro. Those plans were altered when management totally overlooked my reliability, work performance, and devotion to their company. They chose not to promote me to server. As I result, I threw a fit and ended up losing my job there because I was no longer happy with the way I was being treated. Everything seemed to go down hill from there for the rest of summer. I would eventually work my way back to where I began on this journey by moving back home and applying for a job at the Olive Garden by my house. Fortunately, I was hired, but I was only hired as a busser/server assistant. For a couple months, from August up until the 2nd week of October, I set a precedent for the bussers by providing exemplary service for the servers as well as the guests. In management's eyes, as well as my co-workers, I stood out amongst the rest of my fellow bussers. Yes folks, I was viewed as The King of the Server Assistants just as I was acknowledged at P.F. Chang's for so long. As a busser, I came, I saw, I conquered. At the same time, I was desperate for an establishment to conduct my internship at and the hotels in the local area were less than courteous to accommodate my needs, so interning as a server at The Olive Garden [while being a last resort] ended up being the immediate solution.

Where did I want to be prior to the summer chaos???

A server at P.F. Chang's China Bistro.

Where am I right now?

I am working as a server at the Olive Garden, which counts towards internship hours that will lead to the completion of my internship. Following this, I am officially graduating from college this December. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it was a bumpy ride, but here I am as a server, exactly where I belong (where I have belonged for the past five months) at the present time. P.F. Chang's management failed to realize the fact that I should have been a server, but they also have their own distorted definition of the word "communication". As a management team, they also stood alone with the bizzare and false belief that I was incapable of serving guests in a restaurant. According to them, I did not possess the skills or the communciation to be a server. In a monotone way of speaking, they attempted to explain this to me as they looked down at the table we were sitting at (not even looking me in the eyes as they were talking to me).

In the end, I would like to think that I always win one way or another. Afterall, I am The Man.

Speaking of winning, how on earth could I possibly lose by celebrating my girlfriend Jaime's birthday in Hoboken this Saturday night? That should be another memorable occasion. Whiskey Bar and Bahama Mama, here we come! I love Jaime very much and I will make sure that she has the best birthday she can possibly have come Saturday night. She is definitely going to be thrilled with her gift.

Come November 5, I will be having my gigantic birthday bash in Atlantic City, NJ. This is special birthday for yours truly due to the fact that I will have made it a quarter of a century through life. Huge birthday bash for quite a charismatic superstar such as myself.

After she gets out of work at 5:30, Jaime is driving up to spend the night with me. Our plan is to go to the Olive Garden for a nice romantic evening of dining. Not only that, but this week is the last week of the "never ending pasta bowl." I absolutely love that limited time offer and I must go to Olive Garden for dinner with the soulmate before that offer comes to an end this Saturday. I can not wait to see my girl.

As this moment, my focus (along with being concentrated on the love I have for that sweet lady of mine) should be on this internship and the work that I need to do for it. I need to start it at some point, or else I am never going to make it.

That is all for now. Everyone have a good night and always remember to come again.


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