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Friday, October 07, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

As I am once again here at The Richard Stockton College of NJ during Homecoming Weekend of 2005, I have the opportunity to once again attend the Annual Osprey Ball. This is indeed my fourth Osprey Ball, but the first one for which I am not a student residing on campus. Ray and Melissa are here for the weekend as well; Jaime will be coming down for the evening very soon. We are still trying to establish a place at which we can get ready for tonight's ball. Before the Osprey Ball, Jaime and I plan on going out to eat as we usually do when we see each other. Perhaps Jaime and I will pay for a room at Best Western on White Horse Pike. For the two of us, it will only be $60 tonight (tax included).

This has been another pretty decent time in South Jersey. As I have stated before, this is a place that firmly stands on its own pedestal. I arrived here around 7pm last night. After doing a whole lot of nothing in the computer lab for about half an hour, I came into contact with "The Hondawg" Aaron Honaker and he accompanied me to McDonald's so I could get a bite to eat. He was singing along to the "Diamonds" Song (featuring Sierra Leone) on the Kanye West: Late Registration album as we were riding along in my car. It was rather comical. Later in the evening, Ray, Melissa, and myself celebrated Jack's 21st birthday at his apartment off campus. He wanted Cari, a girl he used to have familiar relations with, to be at his apartment for his birthday party. Jack has been crazy about this girl, so Melissa called Cari and asked her if she wanted us to pick her up and bring her over to Jack's. Cari agreed and asked that we come get her and pick her up. Fair enough. Ray, Melissa, and myself all drove over to D Court to pick Cari up. Cari was not present in her apartment. Some guy answered the door and informed us that she was not there. Ray called her on her cellphone to ask her where she was. Supposedly she was at the TRLC (or TSC as Ray likes to call it) preparing her presentation for a class. In approximately nine minutes, Cari sprinted back to her apartment and knocked on the door rather than using her key to get in. How did this scenario turn out???

She spent more time in her apartment (never coming out of her apartment to go back to Jack's with us) than she spent racing over to D court from TRLC. Go figure. If you do not want to go a person's house for a party or anything else for that matter, why ask us to leave the party and go out of our way to come pick you up??? What a waste of time. It just did not make any sense whatsoever. When we returned to Jack's house, without Cari, she called Ray and vented about how we never came to pick her up. We were standing outside of her apartment for twenty minutes and she never came out!! Her roommate even tried to mislead us into thinking that she left. How could she have left when we were standing outside in front of her apartment the entire time? Did she crawl out of the window in her bedroom???? WTF? Whatever. That ordeal can truly be summed up as a waste of party time. This is not my problem, as I had a fine night of partying with Jack, his roommates Dan and Dave, Dave's ex-girlfriend Agnes, and Ray and Melissa. Too bad for Jack, but I predict he will eventually find the right girl.

At about noon today, Colleen, Frank, "medical" Jeremy, Jack, Ray, Mike, Melissa, and myself all had lunch together at G-wing. It was really a nice time that brought back some fine memories of when we all used to have lunch and dinner together. Oh how I miss the college life. Stockton really institutionalized me in a sense, to the point where I really want to be back here as a student. If I could just live here and be a part of the social events that compromise the campus life, minus the course work, I would be set. Throughout that time, I took some moments to see some of my old professors (Dr. Whithem, Donna, and G.T. Lenard [who taught Money and the American Imagination last semester]). G.T. suggested that I come back to Stockton for my M.B.A. As we sat and talked for a little bit in her office, she was pretty to see happy to me again. I even saw Dr. Worthington in the hallway and managed to say hello to him. Great people. Before the afternoon came to a close, I signed the contract for my internship with Dr. Whithem in his office and applied for graduation as well. After lunch was over, Ray, Melissa, Mike, and myself all went to the mall to look around in some of the stores (including East Meets West, Spencers, and some other places). I really liked East Meets West; they had some really interesting looking shelf statues and shirts and things of that nature. It felt good to be walking around in some of the stores and taking advantage of the leisure time that God gave us to spend. Working 40 hours a week at my job, I rarely get the chance to do that anymore (atleast with friends of minee). I got myself a Berry Madness Smoothie at the Food Court; they are always tasty. We also went to Target to look around for a bit. One could literally say that this has been a pretty eventful day.

Onto the Osprey Ball later this evening, which is expected to be a blast. Ray, Melissa, Mike, Colleen, Frank, Anna, Erik, perhaps Jhon, Jaime, and myself will all be at this year's Osprey Ball. The fact that I have to pay $9 at the door, as a result of missing the $5 ticket sale at the P.A.C. before noon today, erks me to some degree. Oh well, this is the Annual Osprey Ball and it is essential that I be there with my soulmate and good friends from school. May the festivities commence in just three short hours!

Ummm... where exactly are we going to get ready???

Blog you later.


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