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"Interning as a server?? What is he thinking?"

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

I just returned home from having a stuffed slice with sauce at M&S II. Yummy.

Now I have to get ready for work in a few moments.

As I announced yesterday, I was recently promoted to server based on the fact that I am one of the best employees The Olive Garden currently has. I also need to conduct an 200 hour internship in order to officially graduate from college in December. I wonder just how well this serving stuff is going to go for me. I prefer serving to bussing any day of the week. I make a lot more money and the job appears to be a little easier.

  • One is not constantly carrying heavy trays of dirty plates, glasses, and other garbage.
  • One is not responsible to for wiping down every single table during a shift.
  • One is not responsible for rolling silverware during a shift so tables can be set for guests.
  • One does not have compete with co-workers for sections. They are pre-determined by management.
  • Obviously, one earns more money as a server, which is always a plus.
  • Perhaps the most gratifying, one does have to clean the filthy-ass side stations at the end of the night.

Serving is not even a job that I desire to have in the long haul, but I am delighted that I can fufill that position in the mean time and use it to complete my internship requirement. That is just grand! Overall, this is a more polished, professional, and clean-cut position than that of bussing. As a server, I will be able to let my personality come to the surface and show the guests who I am as as a result of that.

Considering all of that, you all may ask yourselves, "Why is he interning as a server???"

Because Dr. Whithem, director of the Hospitality Management progam at Stockton has allowed me to do so. In addition to that, this is perhaps the easiest internship in college history and it will over in four weeks. There is no doubt that I am going to be an excellent server; Lords knows I am an outstanding employee who is sure as hell good looking enough to be a server. In December, I look forward to my graduation and the celebrations that come with such a noble achievement. I prepare myself to ace the GMAT in January (either on January 13 or January 20 to be exact), so that I may apply to an M.B.A. program and go back to school in either September 2006 or January 2007. I plan to shock all of my detractors who are skeptical of such a high GMAT result. For some of you, it will appear as though I pulled a rabbit out of a hat. Those who are aware of my ability and determination will not be as suprised.

Come 2006, I am aiming for bigger and better things. In due time, you will all know exactly what those things are. Let me finish my internship, graduate, and take the GMAT first. All of those objectives will be complete by February. After that, the world is all mine. MARK MY WORDS.


Tomorrow I am returning to P-town to visit some friends at Stockton. After six days in a row at work, this is exactly the relief I need to cool down and hang out. Ray is driving down with Melissa as well. Jack turns 21, so that should be a fun celebration. I would like to go to Pitney Tavern for College Night with some friends as well, but we'll see what happens. For the most part, I would like to go out tomorrow night. We'll see how I feel. One thing is for sure; I am definitely looking forward to two and a half days of fun-filled excitement.

OSPREY BALL on FRIDAY OCTOBER 7. My fourth Osprey Ball, and I will be attending it with my soulmate Jaime by my side. Great times cometh!

Until then, take care and come again soon. You do not want to miss a beat!


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