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Ocean City with Ray and Kristen!

Monday, April 19, 2004 | posted in | 0 comments

Yesterday was absolutely glorious! Ray, Kristen and I went to Ocean City. A thanks goes out to Ray for driving, especially when it was my idea to go there. LOL.

For the most part, we stayed on beach and went tanning. I felt really comfortable and at ease lying under the sun. Today, thanks to the sun there is some additional color to my beautiful complexion. I look as great as ever! Usually, it’s colder by the ocean because the breeze is blowing off the waves onto the boardwalk. However, it was warmer than we anticipated; it wasn’t really that chilly on the beach. There were a lot of people on the boardwalk, as well as on the beach. You could tell it was the first really good weekend we’ve had this year.

Today is even better. It’s 84 degrees outside and I don’t waste such a beautiful day in doors. The weather for this whole week is supposed to be superb. Thankfully, my 3:35 class is being conducted outdoors, so I’ll get more sun and more time outdoors. A little later, I think I’m going to the beach again to study for the final exam I have on Thursday for Finance.

It’s time for me to go to class.

I know you’ll K.I.T. I know you want to read more because I would want to read more about me. Love goes out to those I have it for.

Have a great day, enjoy the weather, and be safe.

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