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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 18, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Coming to you one hour after the conclusion of the day...

I almost forgot today was St. Patrick's Day! The Great One happens to be 25% Irish, but I did not eat corn beef and cabbage for dinner. Instead, I shared a pizza pie with my mother. Am I bad, or what???? My Irish ethnicity did come to the surface when I went to Rock Hard Liquors and purchased some Heineken and Yuengling. St. Patrick's Day is all about enjoying the lusheries, especially if you're Irish...

Tonight was a marvelous evening of leisure activity. Knowing that The Great One had made a marvelous return to his old stompin' grounds, my boy Billy G came over for a visit. We ended up watching The Grudge, which I thought was a pretty good horror movie. We watched the movie with my mother and uncle and I really enjoyed it. I guarantee you they come out with Grudge 2 within a another year or so. If they can come out with a sequel to a movie that was as horrible as The Ring ( a movie that made absolutely no sense), they can make a sequel to The Grudge.

Seeing Bill is always a pleasure, especially after considering the fact that I never see the man enough to begin with. I do keep in tough with him quite a bit via instant message and phone conversations. He is one of my best friends and I want to hang out with him whenever I am in town.

We took some time to reminisce about our times at Discovery Zone when we were seniors in high school. While drinking bottles of Yuengling, we made a toast to those memories as well as the time when we were tinting the windows on my Beretta. Who could forget the red Beretta that I pimped in high school????

Considering the circumstances that I have faced throughout this entire week, one can not ask for a day than the one I had today.

Today was a tremendous day and I am pleased that I had the ability to hang out with my beautiful girlfriend Jaime, my boy Billy G, and my family all in the same day. The Great One truly could not have asked for anything better than that today. Those are the people that I need in my life during the one day that I have off from work in this seemingly long week of spring break. This day was a blessing from God and I can only ask for more of them in the near future.

Big ups to my family, Jaime, Billy G, and my almighty God. A special big up to this wonderful day, as well as the people who made this day so enjoyable for me. These are the moments of clarity reminding me that there is something more than just the stressful environments I can confront when being overworked at my job during spring break. Thank you God for this beautiful day.

Time to depart. Take care and be safe. 1 love.


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