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Through it all, I remain on top!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Hopefully you're all enjoying spring break. So far, every single day of mine has been spent at work.

Tomorrow I am on call at 3pm. For the main reason that I want to see Jaime before heading up to Dtown on Thursday morning, I seriously hope I do not have to go into work tomorrow. Aside from that, I am just sooooo tired of being there every single day. I have not done anything else this week besides going to work and busting my ass. Having a couple days off would be lovely.

Looking at this whole situation on the bright side, I have been making quite a bit of money. I am proud to announce that I also won a contest at work tonight. The contest stipulated that the first server/server assistant who could accurately describe the incredients in Almond Cashew Chicken (entree of the week this week)would receive a "Good for No Sidework because of Superior Food Knowledge."

Great for me!

I rattled off the ingredients, as well as the method of its preparation, to the manager like it was my job, and I am not even a server! I believe I am going to use the ticket on either Friday or Saturday night. Knowing how late non-closers can potentially be held by managers on a Friday or Saturday night, using the ticket at that time (when I do not have to close the restaurant) will help me get out for the night much faster. After one gets cut by a manager for the night, sidework (not always easy work) can sometimes take up to half an hour for one to complete. For that reason, I am delighted that I won this contest (which wasn't even a "contest", if you follow me ).

I have decided that I need to do something fun and exciting this summer. Jaime and I have discussed the possibilities of going on a road trip (possibly to Virginia Beach). The Great One is long overdue for going away on vacation. I definitely want to fly out to California in August to see my friend Scott. After hours and hours of busing tables, buffing silverware, and polishing plates, I begin to think about the enjoyable activities (the better things in life) that I would like to plan in the near future. At this moment, all I can do is finish college and begin my summer internship after I complete my professional hours at P.F. Chang's.

Where is the summer internship going to be? That still remained undecided. The internship could happen in North Jersey. It could also happen in South Jersey. South Jersey has Atlantic City, which has various resorts and casinos. Conducting my internship down here could be advantageous to me, but it could also be more expensive if I have to pay rent for a summer house. Doing my internship up North allows me to stay at home and enjoy the benefits of free room and board. This decision is not an easy one, but one that I must make within the next week or two. Regardless of which alternative I ultimately choose, I will end up doing a spectacular job. I do a great job no matter what I do. Managers at P.F. Chang's are asking me to do my internship there. That is power and it opens yet another door for your's truly.

Due to previous experiences at the restaurant, chances of that happening are slim to none. However, I would probably consider interning at P.F. Chang's if they provided free housing for me throughout the summer. That is the only way they would get me to intern at their restaurant, and I must say, I would be more than deserving of the free housing. I am a tremendous asset to their business; an extremely handsome young man ( with a mind like a steel trap) who quickly turns tables and knows the ingredients of entrees better than most of the servers do. They do not want to lose somebody so valuable and important. We, the restaurant staff and myself, both know this for a fact.

Through it all, working during spring break and suffering from a burning desire to see my family and beautiful girlfriend, I still rule.

  • I will make plenty of money, as I am doing right now.
  • I will remain a valuable and powerful force at P.F. Chang's (regardless of whether or not anybody wants to admit it).
  • I will finish my business with the restaurant. I
  • will begin and complete my internship this summer.
  • I will graduate from college.
  • I will make the necessary preparations for the GMAT, take it, and get a very high score.
  • I will be very successful in my efforts on that test. It is then that I will gain a substantial amount of power.

I kid you not. I speak the TRUTH. This will happen. Gamble much? Bet your house on it, and you shall have a CASTLE.

Time for bed. Have a good night and come again soon for more updates.


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