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So tired...

Sunday, March 20, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

It is 8:45 am and I am so tired right now. I'm just waiting for my work uniform to finish drying in the laundry room. Last night was not bad for a Saturday night. I was in a pretty decent mood for the most part. Pepped up on caffeine and candy, I had the energy to get through such a busy evening.

We had nine server assistants on last night, so I only made about $60 in tips. I made $74 in tips on Friday night, taking home a total of $134 when I left the restaurant last night (five and a half hours ago to be exact). This is really sad. Here I am talking about my job again, but my job is all I have been doing lately.

Later on tonight after church, I will be driving up to Howell to stay with Jaime for the night. I realize that I'm going to see her pretty late at night, but I have not had a chance to see her much in the last two weeks due to the ridiculous schedule that slugs from work put together for me this past week. Driving up to see her at 9pm and staying at her place for the night is better than nothing. Jaime and I will probably get some coffee at Starbucks and rent a movie.

That is all for now. Time to grab my uniform and head back to work. Take care, be safe, and have a nice day. 1 love


Does anyone have about five or six Redbulls to spare??

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