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I spy, with my observant eyes, a beautiful day outside!

Monday, March 07, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Spring is well on its way ladies and gentlemen! When I walked outside to go to my car this morning, I noticed one hell of a change in the weather. For the first time this year, I did not need to wear a winter jacket outside. Granted I was wearing a sweater, but the fact that my face was not frozen numb within three minutes of being outdoors was quite a relief. The bright sun and warmer temperatures definitely put me in a terrific mood to begin the day. Thank you God.

I am feeling pretty good about myself right now. Tonight I am working at 5pm, but thankfully I do not have to close. As a result, I will get home early enough to do some school work and perhaps a load of laundry. I still need to read Sister Carrie (I read about 16 pages last night and fell asleep) and Chapter 6 for Facilities Management. The homework for that chapter is not due until Friday, but it never hurts to get a head start. Procrastination is such a bad habit; one that I can not afford to undertake.

I may have to work tonight, but tomorrow night it's party time at Trump Plaza and the Showboat in Atlantic City baby! After working all of these hours, going to class, and doing excessive amounts of course work, I deserve a night such as the one I am going to enjoy tomorrow. Eating, drinking adult beverages, partying, and a moderate amount of gambling describe the events that I will be enjoying tomorrow night with good people.

I also need to start working on my tax returns A.S.A.P. I am dreading that as I do every year, but it needs to get done.

The time has come for me to get some lunch at NWing before getting ready for work. Everyone enjoy this beautiful day and be sure to come again soon. The updates just keep coming and you do not want to miss anything. Plenty to cover within the next few days! Take care and be safe...


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