Such a nice day today.
Accidents on the Parkway last night were frequent, due to poor driving. There must have been three or four accidents between the exits of 140 and 127! To those who have not yet grasped the concept of driving, and had their drivers licenses given to them as birthday gifts, the windshield (the horizontal window in the front of the car with the wipers that wipe off water and snow under inclement weather conditions) is what one looks through when one drives. You are supposed to look at the automobile directly in front of you when driving. Not in the rear view mirrors, unless you are switching lanes. Not the dashboard. Not the side windows, which you are most likely to be focused on while checking Broadzilla or The Incredible Hunk in the car driving in the lane right next to you. The windshield is what one primarily looks through!
Applebees in Howell last night was a good time as well as a grand choice of something to do with Jaime, Gena, and Ken. We went to the bar, had some nice adult beverages, and celebrated life.
The bar was selling domestic beers for $2 a pop. Ken and I kept ordering rounds of Miller Lite and Yuengling, while the ladies stuck with their feminent drinks. LOL. By the way, there is nothing wrong with feminent adult drinks, such as cranberry and vodka and Long Island Ice Teas. They taste pretty damn good and get the job done. Jaime and Gena had mentioned something about being in chorus in high school and the fact that Jaime was in one of the pictures on the wall in the dining area. Ken and I walked over there to check out the pictures and to see if we could find Jaime.
Incidentally, there was this group of nerds accompanied by a pudgy-ugly (horrible physical identity to go through life with) who felt the need to talk smack to us men. They appeared to be younger than us, and not terribly bright, so initially it was difficult to decipher exactly what they were saying. Their simplicity was rather annoying for gentlemen like us to cope with, but I believe the rejects were trying to call Ken and I gay.
We actually were pretty happy last night.
Scrawny and ugly. Fat and ugly. Either of those two describe those condom popping mistakes who were seated at that booth at Applebees last night. They probably went home to be with each other, while Ken and I, two men quite attractive the opposite sex, went home with our women for the evening. Due to the fact that men such as us do not make it a habit to converse with idiots, we did not stick around in that area of the restaurant for very long.
Prior to going to Applebees, Jaime and I went to Johnny Carinos for dinner, which is also a very nice Italian restaurant. Their sangria is slamming! Portion sizes might actually be bigger than those served at Olive Garden. We had fun last night.
This coming Wednesday, I have my job interview with AFLAC Insurance. They are in fact a Fortune 500 company. Working for such an establishment would hopefully earn me a substantial income, set me on the track to embark in a fine career, and do wonders to enhance my reputation. This, 2006, is a new year and I look forward to making some major statements in the world of employment, graduate school, and life. I am The Great One, the Uncrowned King of Life, so I plan to make some great accomplishments and earn a few feathers to put in my cap. Rest assured, I'm going to makes some things happen this year. This year is the year for progress, success, money, power, and respect. I like the mountain top. I've been a few times at various stages of my life, so I plan to get back up there at this stage of my life. In terms of life, my spot at the mountain top is endless, but I need to get up there financially. That could all possibly begin with this interview.
Wish me luck.
At this time, I am going to get coffee with Jaime before she heads to work and I head back home to North Jersey. The weather we are having today is sensational. Enjoy it to the fullest!
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