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Back and forth and back again!

Monday, November 07, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Hope all is well with my world wide audience on this warmer than usual Monday afternoon in November. As you look at the title of this entry, you are probably asking yourselves just what exactly I am referring to? Back and forth and back again? Is it making you dizzy?? Where am I going with this particular entry???

As of about two days ago, I have decided that I am going to make a more permanent move in terms of my place of residence. Back in May, I departed from D-town to live in South Jersey with the intentions of conducting my internship down in that area of the state. When I discovered that I was not going to do my internship down there, I returned home to D-town with the primary intentions of completing my internship under the conditions of free room and board at mamma's residence. However, the internship is practically complete now and it is time for me to move out and live on my own once again. The moms has decided to start charging me for rent due to the fact that I am becoming somewhat of a lazy and ungrateful burden (uh oh!!), and I totally respect her opinion, so the time has come for me to once again depart. Afterall, how many 25-year-olds are going to pay rent to live with their mother and under their mother's terms and conditions?!?!? Yeahhhhh... I did not think there were very many of you out there.

The moment has come for me to get the hell out of dodge for all-times sake.

As a result, Jaime and I have discovered a nice little pad for me on Rent.com in Somers Point, very close to Ocean City, where I can move in with these two kind gentlemen who happen to be brothers (one of them from Stockton... perhaps I know him) who are looking for a fun, charismatic, and easy-to-live-with third roommate, in hopes of decreasing their rent charges. Such a situation is really no different than a returning campus resident who is moving into an apartment with random roommates for an entire school year. All of the amenities and utilities to this apartment will be covered in greater detail in a later post, but the rent is way too affordable to pass up and the apartment/duplex is located in an area that brings out the best in yours truly. Who knows how long I will stay in that particular apartment? Hopefully it is for a while. Should some of my close Stockton friends and I decide to live together and find an apartment in the local area, I might consider finding some place to live with them. After her graduate school education is completed, Jaime is going to want to live with me and that is going to happen at least two years down the road. At this time, however, I feel as though everything can work out at the apartment in Somers Point. Plans have not been solidified as of yet, but I should have everything set in stone very shortly.

What exactly is in store for me in the event of this latest and greatest move?

Much cheaper gas, shore points, country setting, Wawas, Atlantic City, nicer people, closer to my soulmate, minutes away from some of my closest friends, etc. This move makes great sense. I am no fool!

This, my friends, is a revolution. It could even be a fresh start; a resurrection of the man who was living on the high road prior to this internship mayhem with the Olive Garden in Rockaway. To all of my current Stockton students and South Jersey/Atlantic County residents who are friends of mine, I will indeed be present for spring semester. Therefore, let the good times roll!

Many of you are now 21 years of age, or will be 21 within weeks, so we need to find ourselves some venues where we can enjoy some cold adult beverages. Whether is Pitney, the Corner Tavern, the Irish Pub, Atlantic City, Stockton College, or any of the fun places in the pineys or cities nearby, we are going to have fun.

As Andy Dufraine stated in Shawshank Redemption, Get busy living... or get busy dying.


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