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Friday Feast on Black Friday

Saturday, November 26, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

"If the grass is the green, leave the lawnmower in the garage."

Somehow I managed to survive Black Friday at the Olive Garden for yesterday's lunch shift. I volunteered my services as a busser due to the fact that I did not want to deal with the people that day. The manager also informed me that the restaurant had an influx of servers and there were no more sections available. Therefore, I worked as a busser. Friday Feast took place at Gena's house last night, as it usually does every year the day after Thanksgiving. There were a bunch of us present last night, including Gena, Ken, Laura, James, Lauren, Kerribeth, Caroline, and many others.

These people continue to surprise me every year with the delicious eats and treats that are placed on the dinner table for all of us to consume. Along with all the food, there were also different types of wines and champagne, consisting of Pino Grigio, Beringer White Zinfandel, Martini and Rossi, and Kerribeth's Spumanti, which according to James is "cheaper than water."We all had a terrific time eating and drinking; eventually we left Gena's house and headed to Jenkinson's pavilion. For some reason, I just did not feel right at Jenk's. Perhaps I consumed too many different types of wines at Gena's Friday Feast. Besides the Vodka Baybreeze and Pineapple and Vodka I ordered at the beginning of the evening (a $1 each), I drank water for the most part. Jaime and I also found the time, through a bit of the classified drama that went down last night, to get our dance on. In the past, I have had better times at Jenk's; times when my body felt a bit healthier. Nonetheless, I had yet another golden opportunity to spend time with Jaime and Friday Feast was awesome. It seems to get better and better with each passing year.

I just had a bunch of thoughts and occurrences that were typed in this post, but I somehow managed to lose all of it. Fuck it. I am not in the mood to type it again. Perhaps another time. I am too tired to type anymore. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. May you all commence with the holiday shopping! If any of you would like to do so, you can buy me a gift as well. I would not be at all offended. LOL. Perhaps I will post a Christmas list for all of you to view in the near future.


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