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Life's tests

Thursday, November 03, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

As of late, life seems to be testing me to see what I am truly made of. My job, my age, expenses, upcoming events, etc. are revealing my character and bringing about a reaction from deep within me. I do not yet know if that reaction is positive or negative.

My 25th birthday is rapidly approaching in just two short days, which is truly unbelievable. The celebration is going to take place in Atlantic City, on the eve of November 5, which will hopefully be a memorable occasion. Jaime told me earlier this morning that she has a special suprise for me, so I look forward to seeing just what that happens to be. I hope to see a number of my friends and close acquaintances in attendance on November 5 in Atlantic City.

Yesterday I managed to work a double, as I covered for one of the servers during the dinner shift. The money I earned throughout the entire day was average at $85. After work, I went to Friday's with Steve-O, who is returning home to Utah in another week or so. So far, I have not made as much money as a server as I used to working as a busser. Paychecks are the major difference between the two positions. Bussers are paid a much higher hourly rate. Due to the exceptional benefits that I receive from this job, I am somewhat locked into this job until I find a better job with similar offers in the realm of benefits.

On this day off from work, I plan to relax and do a little bit more cleaning of my bedroom and car.

I look foward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Holidays are times of relaxation, stressless activity, and peace for your's truly. It seems as though everyone gets a fresh chance come the start of a new year and 2006 is a year for which I hope to make some changes, goals, and notable achievements. Once I graduate in December, I want to map out exactly what I plan to achieve, my game plan(s) for doing so, and set myself in a direction to make great things happen. As I go around in circles with limited direction, I detect a need for resolution.

  • exercise
  • the GMAT
  • graduate school
  • money
  • fun and vacations in between

All of these significant factors of my life will occur one at a time, but not before a lengthy vacation, highly intended to rejuvenate me and tune me up for a new set of challenges and ideas. Hopefully I can go someplace far and exciting for this vacation that I am thinking of. Stress is the biggest bitch of all. I just need to breathe and take one step at a time. Time for a change is coming; setting my sights on some continents, perhaps a change in location of residence (like, outside of NJ), change in perspective of life, change in career path, and just an overall plan in general. For now, this is my day off from work.

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