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Downing candy, popping in movie(s), and working hard for the money!

Friday, November 11, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Let me begin this post a loud and hardy Congratulations to Senator John Corzine for his victory over Doug Forrester in the race for Elected Governor. Yes, it happened nine days ago, but better late than never...

As a person who has never truly taken the side of democrat or republican in the political races, I can honestly say that the right man won this particular election. Corzine has been a major help to me in terms of financial aid for college and problems I had with certain companies and their products. He cares about the people of New Jersey as well as our fair state and he will do what he can to help us with property tax reduction.

Work went a little bit smoother today during the lunch shift than it normally goes for me. I made about $10 more than I usually do for lunch, perhaps because my relief for the dinner shift was not due in until 5pm. For next week, I requested that I receive some bussing shifts along with my serving shifts so that I may receive paychecks along with my tip money rather than the voided pieces of paper I have been picking up every Friday.

My day and a half with Jaime in Howell was a good time. On Wednesday night, We rented The Amityville Horror (2005) starring Ryan Reynolds. Maybe it is just me, but Ryan Reynolds is just too damn comical to be in ANY horror movie and that notion was apparent in this remake of The Amityville Horror. Do not get me wrong; this was a decent remake, but Ryan Reynolds was not exactly the George Lutz who was played by James Brolin. Overall, it was good movie and certainly scary enough to make me want to keep the light on for a few minutes before turning in for shut eye.

The next day, we went to Target to pay my Target bill and get a soda, some nachos, popcorn, and a pretzel. Yummy. Around 4pm, we both went to Monmouth University because Jaime had class and I had nothing better to do. As a result, we ended up attending Dylan Scholinski's "The Last Time I wore a Dress" presentation at the student center. Dylan is a transgendered male who was speaking to undergraduate and graduate students about his transformation as well as his duration of time in the nut house when he was a younger she. Afterwards, Jaime took me to Ruby Tuesdays and I ordered a Turkey Sandwich with a side of fries and Cheese and Broccoli soup for an appetizer. Cheese and Broccoli soup is up there with some of the best stuff on earth; truly delicious!

Later that night, we returned The Amityville Horror to Blockbuster and rented Psycho (1960) starring Anthony Perkins. Jaime had never seen this flick, which was directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. The movie is a chilling blend of horror and suspense; it is not a gory slasher film like many of the movies in the horror genre. I recommended Psycho due to the fact that Jaime is psychology major and also because I wanted to see it again. Psycho deals with a shady hermit of a man by the name of Norman Bates who runs his mother's hotel somewhere out in California. Norman's troubled history and upbringing effects the way he acts throughout the film and ultimately has an impact on his actions at the end of the movie. I do not want to give away the entire plot of this film, so you will have to rent it and see it for yourself. Most people have already seen this movie; it is indeed a classic.

Jaime and I had a great couple of days. As a result of all the left over Halloween candy, I had the opportunity to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Here I am back in D-town once again. The progress on my latest residential move has been minimal, but I keep trucking along, nonetheless, and remain confident that a really solid offer will come my way. I am ready to move out of my house in DoverRico and return to South Jersey where I feel I rightfully belong.

That is all for now folks. Later this evening, I will heading to a bar in Andover to drink with Steve-O who is moving back to Utah next week, along with some of the other Olive Garden co-workers. Steve-O was one of my favorite people who worked at the restaurant with me and I will certainly miss having him around. I must go out with my Olive Garden allies and drink to the sad departure of a fine young man. He will be missed. Until next time, have a great night, be safe, and come again soon for the latest news and events.


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