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Waiting game!

Monday, November 28, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments


Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are splitting up. I
suppose "the newlyweds" were not exactly destined to live happily ever
after... I must admit their two-season television series was entertaining.

For the most part, work went rather smoothly today. The first table of mine that was sat by the hosts presented a happy couple eagerly anticipating the holidays upcoming.

This couple had just recently purchased a new vehicle (some sort of pick up truck for which I failed to remember the make) and they were going to do holiday shopping after their meal. They must have been quite satisfied with my service; they left me a $16 tip on a $39 bill (for those of you too lazy to do the math, that is almost 50%)!!! That was phenomenal and it set the tone for a peaceful shift that came and went rather quickly. I opened the restaurant today so I was one of the first to be phased by management.

Basically, in more ways than one, I am playing a waiting game. Waiting for my graduation, waiting for a real "job" that comes with the degree, waiting for a legitimate deal to come up with my own place of residence, and waiting on tables at the Rockaway Olive Garden in the meantime. Lately it has been tough, but nonetheless I continue this job and residence hunt with my head firmly planted about me (as firm as it can possibly be under the circumstances).

In terms of internet access, I have been considering a Verizon DSL account for my computer. The yearly agreement consists of a 14.99 monthly payment with a modem included. Should I decide to discard the yearly agreement, I can pay $37.99 on a month to month basis. At this time, I might opt to stick with the month to month for the reason that I might not be around in D-town for much longer. The length of time left that I will be maintaining residence here remains unknown, but it should not be too much longer if I have my way. At this time, I need internet access in my house so that I may have the opportunity to search for better jobs and housing opportunities.

Scott flew back to California last yesterday. We managed to have a couple days together last week, which is a good thing. As you already know, I went to White Castle with Scott and his wife Liezel shortly after their arrival. On Wednesday night of last week, we went to Murphy's Third Rail Bar and Grill in D-town, which is a new bar that gives The Laughing Lion stern competition. There are not too many elaborate establishments for public dining and drinking in the bowl-shaped Dover-Rico, so it is a blessing when a nice little place such as Murphy's evolves. In fact, Murphy's is probably the only place that even draws me into the bowl anymore. Props to Murphy's for that minor miracle. LOL. They have kareoke night every Tuesday ($2 Coronas and $2 tequila shots offered). Wednesday night was a good time; plenty of D-town heads were in the house. Many of the D.H.S alumni from our graduating class, as well as the classes before and after us, were present. It felt good to see some of them; particularly the ones that I remember.

Later this evening, after he finishes up at the gym, I might be heading to M&S II with Bill Dyer, the dude who is flying out to California with me in January, for a stuffed slice. Until next time, take care, be safe, and remember to return again for the very latest in my world of thoughts, ramblings, ideas, and occurrences. You do not want to miss a beat!


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