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Guitar splendor of "President" George Dubya Bush!

Sunday, October 09, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

"Go back to your home in the tree with the Keebler elves, Mr Bush!"
Who ever said George Bush is not a compassionate leader of our country?

By golly, look at that kind and caring man. While survivors mourn over the loss of their homes, and more unfortunately, the losses of loved ones due to the devastating force of Hurricane Katrina, Bush finds a little time out of busy schedule of doing absolutely nothing [in what remains of New Orleans] to demonstrate his guitar-holding skills for the crowd at hand. I am not exactly sure if he is actually playing it, but he sure has a firm presidential grasp on the instrument [if not our country].

Look at that smile! Such a caring man. He managed to arrive at the scene in three short days.
Talk about efficiency.
Either that poor lady is crying hysterically, or she's laughing at the foolish looking guitar-holding elf standing right next to her.

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