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Traffic, the good and the bad kind!

Saturday, October 29, 2005 | posted in | 1 comments

I am liking what I am seeing in terms of the internet traffic coming through this website. Everybody is coming here to read about me or check out the latest news and events! There has probably been a greater influx of traffic coming here in the past two months than there was in six months at the other page I had. I love attention and I am truly flattered. There are times when my posts contain something that could benefit you as well, so it is a plus for all of us. Good stuff ladies and gentlemen! Thank you very much. Keep coming, keep reading, and enjoy yourself by all means!

The world news on television can be so dark and depressing. Why watch the news, and learn that an impoverished, strung out, coke-head threw her infant in the garbage (as sad as that is), when you can come here and read something noteworthy about my life??? Granded, I do rant and rave about my job excessively, but I also manage to post some interesting, must-read material about my unpredictable life from time to time. There you have the good and the bad, but the news only gives you negative feed.

While we are on the topic of traffic, what is with the traffic on the Garden State Parkway lately? Does anybody else from Jersey notice the increased traffic we have been having on the Parkway?? Every single time travel on the parkway, whether I am going North or South, I run into traffic delays because of some type of automobile accident. More and more people are getting into car accidents on the roads and it is really an inconvenience to everybody else on the road. People have time constraints; they have to go to work or make serious appointments. Each time some jack ass gets into a car accident, as a result of scratching his ass, picking his nose, taking his eyes off the road to look at the broad in the car next to him, or whatever the case may be, other drivers are forced to wait in at least five mile back ups on the Parkway. This is inclined to happen anywhere on any highway, but it has been happening more often on the G.S.P. lately and it is so irritating because one can not do anything but sit in the traffic and waste time. One can hold the elderly accountable for this traffic dilemma as well. When one is too depleted of one's hearing, eyesight, or any other significant senses, one should no longer be driving on the highway.

Occasionally, there will be a justifiable accident that could not be prevented, in which somebody's car lost traction on a slippery pavement or their breaks gave in (I can totally understand this and I do have sympathy for cases such as this), but not every single car accident is necessarily an accident. Many car accidents result in negligence and inexcusable stupidity. Fortunately, I have been driving for seven years now and I have never been a legitimate automobile accident (cross my fingers and God Bless), but that is because I keep my eyes on the road in front of me (whenever I am not admiring at my handsome face in the rear view mirror at a red light) and I watch where I am going. If I could prevent car accidents for seven years, I think many other people can as well. Those who continuously cause car accidents, ones that they are legally accountable for, should be re-tested for their drivers licenses after a certain amount of collisions or violations. This is something that New Jersey, as well as the rest of the states, should take into account.

This is just heads up for everybody, including myself. Please be careful and keep your eyes on the road, so you are not liable for damages, you do not have to be inconvenienced by the situation, and you are not delaying others from reaching their destinations.

on 3:28 PM  

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