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Week of the "rain and train"!

Saturday, October 15, 2005 | posted in | 2 comments

Throughout this entire week, two things have been rather constant.

Raining and training.

Eight (8) straight days of rain! I think it safe to say that the rain has overstayed its welcome. I am tired of seeing cloudy skies and getting drenched every single time I go outside. This rain definitely needs to stop! Since this past Monday, I have also been in server training. For the most part, I have made sufficient progress with my training. I am learning the ingredients for the appetizers, entrees, and deserts. As I sample each and every one of them in my training classes, I develop a personal foodbite (a small description) that I can suggest, inform, and endorse for the guests when I greet them at their tables. Most of the wines are really good as well. Tonight I did some floor training, as I followed a trainer, greeted guests, made suggestions, and took orders. As a ravishing young man who is charismatic, handsome, personable, and polite (wow, those qualities just happen to be in alphabetically listed!), I looked hot on that floor tonight!

Rain and train boldly describes my life as I knew it this entire week, but the weather is supposed to improve tomorrow. One can only hope that the sun comes out provides us with the brightness we have been thirsting for for almost a week.

Tomorrow morning, I have a mandatory meeting to attend at work at 8am. The meeting should be interesting, as we are going to have a raffle, enjoy some snacks and coffee, and cover some of the new dining and menu standards that will take effect beginning on Monday, October 17. The meeting will last until 10:30; after that I am off for the rest of the day. As a result, I am aloud to wear my regular clothes to the meeting. In addition to that, tomorrow is the ideal day for me to be off from work. Why, do you ask?

Tomorrow is my girlfriend Jaime's birthday!!!

Jaime, all of her friends, and myself will be heading up to Hoboken for the birthday celebrations. Barhopping, drinking, and dancing will be the activities of choice tomorrow. I look to provide Jaime with a fun and exciting birthday celebration. She is definitely going to love the gift that I have for her.

Hoboken, here we come!

That is all I have to say for now. Have a great night, be safe, and I will do the honors of blogging again very soon. Therefore, it is a wise decision for you to return soon. You do not want to miss a beat.


2 Responses So far
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on 1:23 AM  

i love you i cant wait for my gift!!!!! muah!!!!!!!!!1

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