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Headliner here we come!

In just a few moments, Jaime and I will be leaving to head for Neptune, where Headliner is located. The time has come to commence with New Years Eve celebrations!!!!

Time to get wet.
Time to eat.
Time to have fun!

Everyone going out for New Years Eve, be safe!


PEACE OUT 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 31, 2005 | posted in | 1 comments [ More ]

New Year Resolutions!

As we all know, new years is right around the corner. This is the appropriate time for many of us to determine what we want to do in the new year to better our lives. New Year resolutions, if you will. There are a number of goals and resolutions that I would like to set for myself in the year 2006.

Make sure I am present for the countdown to the new year! This would surely be a nice starting point. Last year, I missed the countdown and I still believe to this day that it brought me a considerable amount of bad luck. Considerable enough to make me superstitious. Considerable enough to the point where I refuse to miss another countdown!

Move out of mother's house and into my own place. Such a move is desperately necessary. Love between family members, in my honest opinion, is stronger when those family members are at a distance from each other. When you see your mother everyday, you tend to find certain things to fight about or cop an attitude about. I, myself, admit that I am guilty of those attributes. However, when you are apart and you get a chance to chat or talk on the phone with your family, there is nothing but love. You do not see each other every day, so you do not have anything to pick a fight or argument about. Additionally, I would much rather live under my roof with my own terms and conditions. It is time to move out of the mother's homestead and into my own pad - preferably in South Jersey. Let us pray that I can meet this resolution EARLY next year. In order to do that, I must make some headway in meeting my next resolution.

Begin a career in something related to what my bachelors degree stipulates - a job that is somewhat enjoyable. The job search has been in effect. This is nothing new to all of my readers or friends. The job search is still in effect. I have had a few leads from companies; I have called these companies back and I am still looking for a conclusive answer from them. I need to develop a career. In addition to the rigorous job search I am currently conducting, I will also go to Career Services at Stockton, come the new year, in an attempt to gain some assistance from them, in my pursuit of a job.

Nail the GMAT. I am surely taking this test in either March or April of 2006. As I have stated on numerous occasions before, my preparation for the test coupled with my intellect and prowess will result in none other than a successful outcome. I predict a high score - one that will shock my detractors. Look out! I am going to shake up the world!!!

Graduate school for my MBA. I want to go graduate school for either Business Administration or Finance. My long term goal for graduate school, which is not really a 2006 new year resolution, is to graduate with honors - atleast cum laude (with honor). This is an achievement I failed to accomplish as an undergraduate. However, graduating with atleast cum laude requires that I get off to an impressive start with a high GPA and that is a resolution for 2006 should I begin my graduate school career in September. My detractors may be skeptical about me accomplishing this. Sit back, watch me do it, and be amazed when it happens. When your jaw drops in amazement, and your mouth is hanging wide open, try not to druel all over yourself.

Update this website on a regular basis. People read my publications on this page. The traffic flow is great and people are interested and curious about me. More importantly, this page serves a purpose in allowing me to speak my mind and practice my writing. I believe this page makes it possible for me to improve my writing skills, which is a positive thing. This page, as well as updating it, is an enjoyable hobby of mine. Expect PLENTY MORE BLOG OF BRYAN updates in 2006.

Minimal stress/minimal flakeouts. Stress is a negative feeling. Problems arise in life, but I need to be calmer person. I must learn not to flake out over every little dilemma. Some dilemmas, however, are greater than others. This resolution will be quite a challenge, but I will give it a go.

Neat and organized lifestyle. Life is much easier when one lives this way. I want to keep my room clean. My hair needs to look good when I am out. Fresh haircuts are to be expected when the hair gets too shaggy or out of place. I would also like to dress a little nicer when I am out in public, especially when I am at the clubs or bars. One gives off a more self-confident and positive vibe when one's appearance is neat and attractive. Hygiene is to be continually maintained to the maximum. I am way too handsome and good looking not to keep my image looking spotless!

That is all for now. Expect some more in the near future.

Thursday, December 29, 2005 | posted in | 1 comments [ More ]

New Years Eve celebration to officially land at Headliner!

For the third year in row, I will be celebrating New Years Eve with Jaime and company at Headliner, appropriately touted as The Night Club for the Jersey Shore. As previously stated, we originally intended to celebrate New Years at Beachcomber Bar and Grill in Seaside Heights, but all of the suitable hotels in the local area were booked and the only hotel vacancies left were all ghetto fabulous.

Therefore, the next best alternative was to purchase tickets for Headliner, where we celebrated New Years Eve for the previous two years. Third time is a charm, but it is also the third time - third New Years Eve in a row - that yours truly will drink almost everybody under table, remain the only one who does not vomit up my money, and wake up on New Years day like a man who has the energy to run a marathon!!! HAHAHAHA!

Headliner's open bar only lasts two and a half hours, from 8:30pm until 11pm, but for $30 that is still a tremendous deal. Most bars in the Central Jersey/Jersey shore areas only provide open bar for two hours on New Years Eve.

I still consider myself fortunate; I am quite pleased that I am off from work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Believe me when I tell you this; nobody is more deserving of such privledges. Known as somebody who offers much assistance to co-workers in the workplace, I deserve to spend this holiday time with friends. On New Years Eve, which falls on a Saturday this year, the restaurant is open until the regular closing time at 11pm. FUCK THAT. Pardon my French. The poor souls, who are working the dinner shift on December 31, will still be in the restaurant doing God knows what when the clock strikes midnight. I just could not have any part of that, so I avoided having to work at that time. Props to those who are either going to be at work at that time, or even have any bit of desire to work at that time.

Not I, roared the lion.

I feel as though I am at the end of my rope with all of this restaurant turmoil. Every man has his breaking point and I am just about at the finish line. The place has me fed up. My retirement from the Food and Beverage Industry is coming very soon in the near future. You heard it here first!

On Saturday night, for yours truly, there will be no getting booted from the club, no arrests, no getting sick, and plenty of drinking and eating because that is how The Great One gets down these days and I would not have it any other way. Whoever is going to be part of this extravaganza with me, I will see all of you fine and fortunate souls very soon! Let the celebration begin.

I'm ready for 2006!!!

No missing the countdown this year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Anticipation of New Years Eve celebration (as well as the new year)!!

Christmas came and went - it did not stop for anyone or anything - but the day was rather nice. I sat around with the family and relaxed, as we watched Christmas movies. I got some nice things for Christmas - including clothes, a few DVDs, and some other useful goods. I finally got the first three episodes of the Star Wars Saga! In the next week or so, I definitely need to sit down and watch all six, starting with the first episode.

Do not think that I am going to watch all six in one day. I do not have that kind of time on my hands. Olive Garden would never allow it. They did, however, give me off from work on Friday and Saturday. Saturday is New Years Eve, so I am delighted that I have been given off for that day. Originally, I was scheduled for noon on New Years Day, but Janine, one of my co-workers, was looking for shifts on Wedesnday and Sunday, so I gave her my Sunday afternoon shift. How about that? Now I am off from work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!!


It is amazing how I always manage to avoid working on holidays! It never fails. In my honest opinion, that is the way it should be. That is the way I plan on keeping it in my work life for a long time - the rest of my life in fact. No work on holidays. That is my party time. Cut into my party time, I cut you! HAHAHA! Just kidding. But for real, no work for me on the holidays. Why work on a holiday that is intended for celebration with close friends and family???? Taking away the rest of the holidays, there are approximately 355-360 other days of the year to work. Holidays for yours truly?? A big no-no!

This coming New Years Eve, I will be heading to Beachcomber Bar and Grill in Seaside Heights with Jaime and company to commence with the New Years Eve celebrations. For the last two years, we have been going to Headliner for New Years, but Beachcomber, for $35, has a longer open bar. Beachcomber's open bar lasts from 8pm until midnight, which is a damn good deal. I can not wait for that evening! New Years is a terrific time of year for me because it symbolizes a potentially fresh new start in one's life. It marks the beginning of a whole new year and the chance to correct anything that went wrong the previous year.

Last year, I missed the countdown to 2005 due to the fact that the club did not even announce the damn countdown. I was in the bathroom emptying my blatter, with three other dudes doing the same in the urinals right next too me, when I happened to look down at my watch and notice, through my drunken haze, that the time was 12:06!! How could I have missed the countdown?!?!? It will not happen this year ladies and gentlemen! I will be present for the countdown, and whereever you are (hopefully not working your ass off at your job), I hope you will be present for the countdown as well.

Bad luck to miss the countdown to a new year. Yes, I believe that.

That is all for now. Have a nice day.

Expect at least one more update before we reach 2006!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Hot stuff at a fine moment!

Friday, December 23, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Happy Holidays!

At this time, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and Happy New Year. Happy Holidays!

Whatever you happen to be celebrating, all due respect to your religions, have a happy celebration!

Christmas is just two short days away, so I must get out to the mall and do some shopping for the family! Yours truly is off from work for three days in a row. Super duper!!!

Time for shopping. Time to get some gifts as well as egg nog. Take care everyone.

Stay warm. Stay merry!

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Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man (2005) is a brilliant motion picture, directed by Ron Howard and based on a true story, that reflects the hardships and rise to prominence of heavyweight contender and North Bergen, New Jersey resident James J. Braddock, who is played by actor Russell Crowe (A Beautiful Mind, 2001).

The plot takes place during The Great Depression, at a time when employment was extremely scarce, anxiety was at an all time high as a result of the recession, and suicide was both attempted and committed. After losing his boxing license as a result of a lackluster performance in the ring, one that ends in a no contest, Braddock finds himself without a job and unable to generate income to support his family. Braddock and his family ultimately lose the utilities (gas and electric) to their home. Braddock, doing everything in his power to make a healthy home for his family, continuously goes to the docks in an attempt to work shifts.

The shifts are competitive; some days he is denied - other days he is chosen to work. Labor is rough for Braddock, who works with a broken right hand. Eventually, Braddock's manager is able to reinstate Braddock's license land him a fight with the number two middleweight contender Corn Griffin. Braddock would survive a knockdown to knock out Griffin in three short rounds, and score two more wins, over the likes of John Henry Lewis and Art Lasky, before finally getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship against reigning champion Max Baer.

This motion picture truly reveals the phrase "ashy to classy." What Braddock accomplished, under such unfortunate circumstances, is unprecedented and should be admired. Ron Howard did an excellent job directing this movie and Russell Crowe pretty much resurrected Jimmy Braddock, bringing him back to life, with his performance in this film. This is a must see for boxing fans, as well as people who long to capture a real-life fairy tale.

These types of stories, inspirational and heartwarming, do not happen every day in the real world. This movie can really inspire one to be all that one can be and appreciate what one has. The fact that this true story happened during a time as rough as The Great Depression enhances the magic of the legend that is James J. Braddock.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 | posted in | 1 comments [ More ]

Post graduation reaction, three year anniversary, and more!

My graduation this past Sunday was an absolutely beautiful event.

As I have stated on numerous occasions over the past few months, this graduation was long overdue. I was not going to be denied that ceremony come December 18. As a result, I completed my internship on time and received an A. When President Saatkamp issued my diploma frame to me, I raised both arms up in the air to symbolize the victory that I had earned over the course of five and a half years. Expect graduation photos within the next couple days.

I overcame all of the recent hurdles - entrance and exit interviews, registration disputes, transcript disputes, payments, graduation applications, any little thing the faculty could possibly pin on me to prevent this day from happening, etc - to assure myself a spot in that ceremony. Perhaps these obstacles are necessarily in order for one to determine what one really wants in life. As I embraced the atmosphere in the sports center at Big Blue on Sunday afternoon, and realized that I truly made it through all the of the obstacles and adversity, the weekly trips to Stockton in the month of December were all well worth my time. If I had to do it all over again, I would do the exact same thing.

My love for South Jersey, Stockton, and the Atlantic County area has not dyed down one bit [frankly I am not sure if it ever will], so even the smallest of reasons, such as a 12oz cup of coffee, could probably encourage me to commit to the 2 hour and 15 minute drive necessary to get down there from D-town. After being involved in a graduation ceremony there this past Sunday, I can say that my love for Stockton College is even greater now - if that is at all possible.

I have been ecstatic ever since the ceremony. Although I have major responsibilities approaching in the New Year, I feel as though a heavy burden has been lifted off my back. Up in a cloud nine, even at work at certain times, I think about what has just happened this past Sunday. Hard to believe the day came, but I am so excited that it did. I was not going to be denied; you can believe that.

What is next?

The GMAT is a test, an important requirement, that I must register for very soon in order to apply to any school's MBA program. The GMAT, which may not predict how well I will do in graduate school, is going to be a fabulous and accurate indicator of who I am and what I am capable of. That test is a success in the making for yours truly, so I must get registered for it as soon as possible. There is much on the line with that test, but I can tell you right now that I will not fail to impress. My greatness knows no limits.

A successful outcome for yours truly, on that test, is inevitable. Period.

I have updated my resume, so I have sent the resume to various companies that I am interested in working for. JobNET, which was a plug in my previous post from this morning, is my latest and greatest employment opportunity resource. The job hunt is slow at this moment, but I everything is progressing along just fine. I am confident that a legitimate offer and opportunity will come my way with time and effort. The key is to maintain a consistent search, keep my options wide open, and buckle down so that an opportunity may come my way at some point in the not too distant future. One must never give up! One must continue to earn money by any means necessary while searching for an opportunity bigger and better.

Jaime and I totally enjoyed our three year anniversary on Sunday. We went to Gourmet, a local Italian restaurant, for dinner and had a romantic dining experience. I love Jaime very much. In fact, I am probably the happiest whenever I am hanging out with her. Our personalities clash perfectly, making our company with each other extremely enjoyable. On Sunday night, we got a room with a jacuzzi at the Passport Inn on White Horse Pike. Jacuzzis are the bomb; Jaime and I lived it up like royalty! Seriously - we do not fuck around. Well, I suppose we do, but when reading that previous statement from a tainted and perverted perspective, it is none of your business. LOL.

Sunday was an amazing, God-given day. Thank you God.

Thanks to everyone, particularly my family, friends, and Stockton professors, who guided me and helped me out in my college/graduation pursuits. Those years in college were a genuine thrill and the commencement ceremony was the sweetest of icings on the cake.

Before returning home on Monday morning, Jaime and I went to Denny's for breakfast. Basically we spent money, that we did not even have, to get breakfast. We LOVED it!

Cinderella Man, starring Russell Crowe, is an excellent movie! Jaime got me the Collectors Edition DVD as one of her anniversary gifts to me. That movie is as compelling and inspiring as any movie I have seen in a long time. The fact that it is a true story, based on the hardships and rise to prominence of heavyweight boxer James J. Braddock, makes it that much more beautiful of a movie. Expect a BLOG OF BRYAN movie review of Cinderella Man within the next day or two.

Tonight is Tuesday, which means that I am headed to Murphy's later on to meet up with the O.G. crew for kareoke night. More good times are upcoming baby!

What the hell am I going to sing tonight? Any recommendations folks?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 | posted in | 2 comments [ More ]


Finally, on December 18, 2005 (two days ago), yours truly graduated from The Richard Stockton College of NJ with a Bachelors Degree (BS) in Business Studies - with a concentration in Hospitality Management! I was so proud of myself, as was my family and my girlfriend.

The entire ceremony was truly a compelling event - one that was warm and heartfelt on my end and I am sure on the end of the other 350-400 graduates that day. Since then, I have been in somewhat of a cheery mood. This graduation has been quite uplifting; it was something that was long overdue. There will be more to come later on, but I must be at work at 11am today. I am working as a server.

Also on December 18, Jaime and I celebrated our three year anniversary! Congratulations to both of us! More to come about that later today as well.

When I get out of work, anywhere from 4pm to 5pm, I plan on conducting a vigorous job search on JobNET at the Stockton website. They have some really intriguing prospects for graduates. I need to get the ball rolling on this job hunt, or else I could be working at the O.G. for months on end - that is NOT going to happen, if you see where I am coming from.

I also need to get going with Christmas shopping. Perhaps later on this evening, after my job search session.

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Growing coffee addiction?

My addiction to coffee is gradually increasing. It is just so damn good!

What is to be said for that?

Some have stated that caffeine addiction is as harmful as nicotine addiction, but I can not help my taste for coffee. My countless hours of work at The Olive Garden do not exactly help to provide a cure for this addiction. Starbucks coffee is really good, but some would argue that it is expensive. Others call it Charbucks, noting that their coffee has too much of a burnt taste to it. Their Caramel Macchiato is sinfully sweet; it really wakes me up when I am tired or have a long trip ahead of me.

Starbucks teas, however, are pricey, but I find that their coffees are sold at reasonable rates that rival other coffee companies. Coffee Beanery, which is located at the Rockaway Mall by my house, is a terrific little coffee shop. I always get their Caffe Mocha- it is the best one I have had from any of the coffee establishments. Starbucks, however, has a nice variety of seasonal coffees, like the Peppermint Mocha Latte.

What else is new?

As many of you already know, Howard Stern is moving to Sirius Sattelite Radio come January 9, 2006. Yesterday, while driving down to Stockton, I listened to Howard's final free radio show on K-Rock. Too bad his show is no longer going to be free to the general public. I really enjoyed listening to his radio show on K-Rock, when I would go on trips to school or work early in the morning. I think the man is brilliant and I am not sure if I can go without being able to have access to his radio show. Perhaps I should pay for my own Sirius activation and installation come the new year?

Onto the topic of my current mood and scene...

Here on the campus at The Richard Stockton College of NJ, there are very few students present at this time. Most of them have departed to go home to their families for the holidays upcoming. This campus almost has a desserted look to it. Last year, at this time, I was a student who had a bedroom, in an on-campus apartment, that belonged to me. Times can really change.

Yours truly, however, is here for the big day coming up tomorrow. After years of attending college, a journey that began at the County College of Morris in September 1999, I am about to participate in a ceremony that concludes such an extensive journey... one that transferred me from County College to Stockon in September 2002... and will finish with me graduation from Stockton tomorrow on December 18, 2005. I can not wait to have that diploma in my hands. The past three months have been pretty tough for me; the challenges of assuring this upcoming Fall Commencement ceremony were immense. Between holds, difficulty in registering for the internship I recently completed, denials of approval for graduation, and loan disputes, I was beginning to wonder if this stage of my life was ever going to let me go.

From about October 2005, up until now, I have been stuck in somewhat of an indeterminate state. Uncertainty plagued my life those last few months, but hopefully tomorrow's ceremony marks the beginning of a new phase in my life, and the end of the Autumn wasteland where I was restrained in one massive bubble of ambiguity. Heading into this graduation ceremony, I long to discover a decisive conclusion to the six years of hard work and dedication that I put in. Afterall, if one does not know where one is coming from, where is one supposed to go?

Where do I go after tomorrow?

Job search? Did that not begin over a month ago? Hopefully I land a decent job in due time. I plan on talking to some of my professors from Stockton about job prospects very soon.
Moving out of the household where I currently live with mom? Whether or not I find a high paying job that can be earned with a bachelors degree, a move away from home is inevitable in the very near future! I need to once again move out, as has been covered for almost two months here on this website. I would like to move sometime in the month of January. Hopefully Jaime can move out of her house and come live with me, should she find a higher paying job than the one she has now.
GMAT registration and preparation? I would certainly like to take that test sometime in April so that I may further earn the opportunity to attend graduate school. Graduate school, in my opinion, is a MUST. Scoring high on the GMAT serves as a form of redemption for any bit of slackage that I may have done in those years of college.
Partying like there is no tomorrow??? HAHAHAHA!! That has happened an insurmountable amount of times prior to this ceremony and I do not see it coming to a halt afterwards.

Before all of that happens, I desperately want to see tomorrow. I am ready to walk in that graduation ceremony right this moment! There will be a strut. There will be a swagger. There will be a loud applause. There will be many folks and college graduates present. College staff - professors who lived through those fruitful years with me - will be present to watch me move onto the next chapter. There will be a ceremony - one for which I will be a part of.

There will be a proud young man - who will finally be a college graduate - tomorrow.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

A couple more pictures!

A couple more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Ray, Mike, Jack, Erik, and myself at Caspah in Atlantic City for Anna's 21st birthday.

Jaime, myself, and Alex at Alex's birthday celebration at Chubby's in Red Bank on 11/04/2005.
More where that came from!
Graduation is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!

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Internship result, graduation weekend at Stockton, and more!!!

Photo of Jaime and I:

Extremely handsome + undeniably beautiful = sight for sore eyes

This picture was taken of us at Friday Feast approximately four weeks ago. Rarely do I ever put pictures on this website, so I figured it was time for a picture. I really like the way this picture came out. Most of the pictures from the previous three months or so have been on Jaime's digital camera, which I bought her for her birthday I might add. The picture quality is excellent. The actual content is even better! Rest assured, there will be plenty more pictures to come in the near future!


I received an A on my internship!!!!!!! *applause* *more applause*

How about...

*endless applause*

Alright already... you can stop now. Enough respect. How about that phenomenal result? I...



I am happy that all of my courses are officially complete. I am officially graduating on Sunday! My diploma will be in my hands in no time! Keep your fingers crossed that the college does not find any other reasons to pin a hold on my account. What else could they possibly get me for??? I have taken care of everything and acknowledged every single possible road block that could prevent me from getting that diploma. Shit, I passed my internship with an A!

Will the school, by any chance, change the grading scale on Sunday December 18 at 12:59 pm???? Is A going to turn into a failing grade, just to prevent me from graduating? Are dick size or testicle circumference criteria for holds that can prevent graduation????? Seriously, I do not care to drop my drawers and bend over for the administration in order to remove a hold, so I seriously hope not!!! Hopefully, all roads are finally clear for Sunday, December 18. I have done everything in my power to clear those pathways. On to my graduation in just two short days!!!!!

I am once again at the Richard Stockton College of NJ, which most of you know by now is like my second home. Actually, it has been The Olive Garden, but let's not get into the topic of that dark hole of hell. Stockton is great, the drive down to South Jersey early this morning was smooth, and the roads are completely clear of ice and snow. The sun is out and the temperature is like 50 degrees, which is nice after the inclement weather conditions we have had in the past couple weeks.

At this time, I must head over to G-wing to meet Jack, Jeremy, and Anna for lunch!

Take care everyone. Blog ya later!

Friday, December 16, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Bring Me Down

Bring Me Down
by Kanye West

I really do like this song:

[Chorus: Brandy]
I always knew that one day
They'd try to bring me down

WOoow, one day, they tried to bring me down
ALways knew that one
day, they'd try to bring me down
Dooown, way down

gon' last today, we have to pray
Besides what the pastor say,
I have to
Since Pac passed away
Most you rappers don't even deserve a track
from me
You see, if you evern wanted to ever be anything
There'd always
be somebody that shoot down any dream
There'll always be haters, that's the
way it is
Hater niggaz marry hater bitches and have hater kids
But they gon' have to take my life 'fore they take my drive'
Cause when I was barely livin, that's what kept me alive
Just the thought that maybe it could be better than what we at at this time
Make it out of this grind, 'fore I'm out of my mind

And get some lee way on the he say she say
You girl don't like me, how long has she been gay
Spanish girls say "No able ingle"
And everybody want to run to me for their SINGLE
It's funny how these wack niggaz need my help
Wasn't around when I couldn't feed myself
If I was you, I wouldn't feel myself
Dog, If I was you, I'd kill myself
Made a mill myself, and I'm still myself
And I'ma look in the mirror if I need some help
Ask me from the heart, y'all all frontin
Everybody feel a way about K but at least y'all feel somethin

Why you come here,
I bet it only it was forget to get ya
What kind of dream we found, see I'm often at your cross way
forgetting it was that heaven let ya. They tried to
bring me down[Chorus] - 5X

4 more days until graduation baby!!!!

There is nothing that is going to stop that.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Olive Garden culinary Incompetence!!!

The holidays are quickly approaching. I need to start my holiday shopping. Along with my graduation being three days away, my three year anniversary with Jaime is also on Sunday. Can you believe it? Three years! Where did all of that time go? Our time together has been a spontaneous rollercoaster ride, but I have enjoyed every bit of the time.

This post is leading in the direction of a heated fuming session. Viewing of this post is not permitted for children.

I need to leave the Olive Garden as soon as possible. The establishment seems to be getting worse with the time. The "new restaurant" excuse is getting old, as this particular Olive Garden has been open for business for over six months now. Some of the employees have really pissed me off. A few of the chefs either need to be struck by lightening or some type of God-fearing scare. Either that, or they just need a good asskicking that will provide them with both the reality check and the attitude adjustment they sorely deserve. Last night I had a couple, who are Olive Garden regulars, who came in for dinner. The woman ordered Cappelini Pomodoro without garlic, while the man ordered Five-Cheese Ziti. I definitely sent the food on time (right before placing the salad and breadsticks on the table).

Ten minutes later, as I looked in the window, I only saw a Five Cheese Ziti and a Cappelini Pomodoro, with MY ticket placed on the entrees. As I took the Five Cheese Ziti, and was about to take the Cappelini Pomodoro, the expo says to me, "you wanted Cappelini with no garlic, correct?" I responded, "yes I did." He tells me, "Well that has garlic!" I'm sorry dipshit, but I do not exactly have a garlic radar system uploaded in my anatomy just yet.

Why the hell was it placed right behind my Five Cheese Ziti with my ticket on top of it????

Why the hell did it NOT have garlic, as I requested? Why the hell was my Cappelini Pomodoro, without garlic, not in the window with my Five Cheese Ziti which contained my ticket????

This gets better!

My Five Cheese Ziti was just dying in the window for a good ten to fifteen minutes, as I waited for the those incompetent ass clowns to come up with my cappelini. It was not until fifteen to twenty minutes later that my cappelini was finally in the window! What happened at that point? My Five Cheese Ziti was GONE. My Five Cheese Ziti was NOT at the table for my poor guest. Therefore, I had to inform the guests that the Five Cheese Ziti was on its way. The chefs were required to make it again. Fortunately, my guests were understanding of the situation. The man at the table told me, "We know that there was a problem in the kitchen; your extraordinary service made up for that."

Thankfully, some of the fuck nuts, whom the restaurant staff pathetically refer to as "chefs," did not destroy my tipping opportunities with that party. There are one or two of chefs whom I am quite fond of - nice people who do plenty to help me out - and I hang out with them outside of work. They know who they are. Some of the others, who give me an attitude and fail to admit to their fuck ups, however, need a reality check.

We ended up giving the guests, who were screwed out of a prompt entree arrival, complimentary deserts and coffee. The nerve of the expo to tell me that I was "wigging out" as a result of the two entrees taking a total of thirty fucking minutes to arrive at the table!!!!


Teach your staff, some of which deserve to get their wigs pushed the fuck back, to prepare TWO fucking entrees for a party of TWO on time jack ass! Do not place my ticket on top of two plates when one of them, a Cappelini Pomodoro - as opposed to a Cappelini Pomodoro without garlic - is not mine!!!

Furthermore, a ticket should not be in the window if there is at least one plate missing!!!! Incompetent ass clowns! These motherfuckers will tell me to stop wigging out, but they do not have to deal with angry guests who are expecting their dinners to come out on time!

As one can tell, I seriously need to get out of there A.S.A.P.! I am tired of dealing with these assholes on a consistent basis. It is one thing to be obnoxious and rude to your fellow employees, occasionally, as a result of a bad day. However, this seems to be happening almost every day with some of these people. A bunch of obnoxious, careless, thoughtless, cocksuckers!

God, PLEASE help me find another job - one that I can obtain with a Bachelors Degree!

| posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Five more days!

Today is Tuesday!

What happens on Tuesday nights??? Kareoke night at Murphy's with the O.G. crew! Who ever would have thought I would have something to look forward to on Tuesday nights, and in Dover, nonetheless??????

On a more serious note...

Graduation is vastly approaching, yet I still maintain a rigorous job search in attempt to land the right job. At this point, I have been searching for over a month.

I actually came across a couple opportunities, such as the Bankers Life and Casualty Company and Diversified Companies. I only wish the Bankers Company had an office in South Jersey. The only offices in Jersey are in Brick and Parsippany. I also wish they would respond to my email. They sent me an email last week, so I responded to theirs in order to obtain further information, but I have not received a response.

Their email to me stated as follows:

Hello Bryan:

We researched your resume on HotJobs and want to let you know that
one of America's fastest growing companies is currently seeking individuals
interested in entry-level positions leading to rapid advancement into
management. Our nationwide company expansion has created this unprecedented
opportunity for those who qualify. Ambition, intelligence, integrity and a
strong work ethic will lead qualified individuals into management positions
within three months to one year depending on experience and performance.
Our associate managers earn $60,000 to $100,000 per year. Our top sales managers earn $200,000+.

This is NOT a multi-marketing, door-to-door sales, or a telemarketing position.

All E-mails and Calls are held in
strict confidence.
For additional information and to arrange an interview,
please reply to this email.

We are an Equal Opportunity
Company M/F/D/V

My goal is to try and land an entry level job with decent pay by January. That may not be realistic, but that is the time and the circumstances for which I am targeting.

Five more days, and I will finally have a college diploma. This has been long overdue. I just hope, in the long haul, I will have made the journey financially well worth it. Hopefully, the appropriate job opportunity presents itself in due time following my graduation. Doubles as a server and busser at Olive Garden are getting older and much less lucrative (not that they were at all lucrative to start out with).

To be honest with you, I am so not enjoying the current routine. I desperately need a job that is bigger and much better, and I will not stop searching until I find a satisfying candidate.

Wish me luck and pray for me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Colleen's campus Christmas party!

Upon arriving at Stockton yesterday to submit my internship paper and journal, I was completely unaware that Colleen was having a Christmas party at her apartment on campus. It was not until Jack randomly located me, by the computers in the school library, and asked me if I was going to Colleen's later that evening. That proposition automatically made due for my plans for the night.

When I got to Colleen's, she had plenty of food and drinks. Mike, Jack, Frank, Colleen's friend Erin, and couple of other gentlemen were present at the party.

The closing credits to National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation were on, so we were about to watch Bad Santa (Bader Santa: The Unrated version) next. I had seen this movie once before a couple years ago with Jaime, and I did not care for it, but I was not really paying attention to it at that time, and for good reason. The movie is not as bad as I thought it was, after actually having paid attention to it, but this is CLEARLY no type of holiday movie for children. This movie is for adults, much like spiked egg nog.

NOTE: To any children who managed to get their grimy little mits on a keyboard and found me on the world wide web: If you find a way to watch this movie, without the awareness or permission of your parents, you will be making some unpleasant discoveries on your own free will!

Bad Santa must contain well over 200 expletives. I feel so bad for the troubled young boy in that movie. I wonder what that little actor's parents thought about all vulgarity he was subjected to during the shooting of that film!?!? Mark my words; this is no Christmas Story or The Santa Clause.

After Bad Santa, we all watched Elf starring Will Ferrell, which is a bit more consistent with the habitual holiday flicks. After finishing up with the Christmas movies, we all began trading ghost stories that we knew. Nothing like keeping the theme of the night consistent. LOL. Nonetheless, last night was an awesome time that I had on campus. Times with good friends and interesting people at the grand old Stockton College is always sure to be a fun occasion. I love this place!

Colleen baked delicious brownies, for which she claimed, "there is usually a wait for these." Fortunately, there was no wait on those brownies last night. In fact, at the end of the night, she auctioned them off to me! I won them! I ate the rest of them this morning! YESSSSSSSS I did!

I would also like to thank Colleen for letting me crash at her apartment.

Great times last night.

Tonight, I am heading up North to attend yet another Christmas Party with my love Jaime and the Hizowell gang at this restaurant. There will be hors' odourves as well as an open bar. That is one hot deal I just can not refuse ladies and gentlemen. Olive Garden had me scheduled [against my availability] to work AGAIN as a busser on a Saturday, but for the second weekend in a row, I am not going into work! To hell with that!

Get wet with the girlfriend at an open bar? Or get dirty bussing?
Not exactly a difficult decision to come to folks.

8 more extremely short days until graduation! WHO HOO!!!!!!

What more can I say???? I am kind of a big deal that is only going to grow and become bigger. Not too long from now, this deal is going to be ENORMOUS! Hahahahaha!!! I am half man, half amazing.

Until next time, have a great weekend and stay warm. Return again soon for the latest on the greatest. You do not want to miss a beat!

Hopefully the snow has calmed down up in North Jersey, so I can drive home safely tomorrow morning for work.

No more cold snowy baseballs falling from the sky please!

Saturday, December 10, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Snowball storm, Stockton, graduation, and more!

North Jersey was blasted really hard with a severe snowstorm early this morning. This was not the little snow shower that was originally predicted to be four to six inches of snow last week. Just the opposite. Right from the outset, the snowflakes were literally the size of baseballs! For that matter, we can call them snowballs rather than snowflakes.

I actually had the balls to drive through such a snowstorm in order to get to Stockton College to submit my completed internship paper and journal. While sliding (better verb than driving in this instance) down Rt. 80, and almost doing a 360 right in the middle of the Parkway, I instantly recalled the six or seven plow trucks that were plowing a dry road last weekend - noticing at the same time that there was not a single plow truck in sight on Rt. 80 this time around!

I'm at Stockton right now and I can tell you that I love this place just as I always have. I am fond of this area. I love the pineys. I love South Jersey. I love visiting. I am going to love living here when I find me a new job as well as a pad. Earlier today, I had lunch at G-wing with Jeremy and Jack. A little while ago, I went to visit Jeremy (my old roommate from last year) at his apartment off campus.

The fact that my part of the internship is complete is a major load off my back. As for now, I await my graduation ceremony in just nine short days [pat on the back for yours truly]. I am quite proud of myself, especially after I all I have been through [exit interviews, holds, and years of course work] to reach this special landmark. The Great One is finally graduating and there is nothing anybody can do now that will change that.

Only the Lord knows exactly what the year 2006 brings, but one can only hope that next year is a great year. The year 2005 had its share of misfortune. Through my graduation, the holidays, and a thorough job search, I am targeting a busy, independently approached, and successful 2006! New challenges await me in the new year, such as the GMAT (I am finally going to take it), my new job (whenever I land a decent position with a desirable salary), and ultimately graduate school to get my MBA. I originally wanted to take the GMAT much sooner, but first I had to cross the Ts and dot the Is before I could move on to other business. Once this commencement ceremony is over, I find a job as well as my own apartment, then I will begin to pursue the GMAT.

Nothing and nobody has changed my prediction of the result for the GMAT. I will definitely excel on the GMAT, whenever I take it. I will succeed and confound anyone who predicted any result other than what I stated was going to happen on that test. High scores are produced by people of high status. I will show everyone when that day comes! In the year 2006, I will have graduated and it is going to be a coming out party for me. The obstacles that 2005 presented for me hopefully have prepared me for 2006, so the world better be ready for The Great One as well. It is time for my arrival! There will be major announcement of what is to come next for yours truly come the New Year! Once I have that hard-earned paper high merit that I am going to receive on Sunday, December 18, the world is mine! No games. No fronts. No bullshit!

Those are my intentions. That is what I want. That is what I shall receive.


Friday, December 09, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Internship report just about complete!

More freezing weather... hip hip hurray!!!

On a much brighter note, my internship report and journal entries will all be complete and submitted to Dr. Whithem tomorrow at Stockton.

Yes, I am submitting everything, in person, because that is the best way to submit such an important assignment. This paper and journal is the entire course; the final course requirement that will determine whether or not I ultimately receive that much-needed, desired, and hard-earned paper on December 18 - just 10 short days away! Now that's whassup! The freezing cold and blustery winds - for which only the damned souls, who are forever banished to the bottomless pits of hell, should feel - can not take this happy moment away from me.

That reminds me... I need to pick up my commencement tickets tomorrow, as well as my cap and gown for the graduation. I also need to take my senior portrait; another pleasant reminder, which will be framed and placed on my wall, that I did in fact finish college.

Stockton friends and associates, be ready for my arrival tomorrow!

Tonight, on a darker note, I am once again working as a busser. BOOOOOOO!!!! I do not think there is anything else in this entire world that makes me feel as old I do when I am bussing. I am doing it, however, because the restaurant was short-staffed of bussers for a couple weeks. Recently, management hired a new busser, so hopefully my duties as a busser permanently come to an abrupt conclusion. To sum up this particular topic, bussing is not fun!

That's enough of the dark notes.

To conclude this post on a high note, I'm off to Stockton College tomorrow morning!!!!

Christmas party with the girlfriend on Saturday night. Open bar and buffet. Splendid! I am definitely looking forward to this party.

Until next time, take care, be safe, and stay bundled up.


Thursday, December 08, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

Another wild kareoke night at Murphy's!

Murphy's, Dover-Rico, Nueva Jersey's crowning glory and savour establishment, was once again the hot spot last night for the O.G. crew, as it usually is every Tuesday night for kareoke night. The O.G. regulars were there, including Beth, Rico, Eileen, Tom, and Rob. Matt and Michelle, who are rather new at the O.G. came to Murphy's last night, as did Ernie. Janine was also out for her birthday with her boyfriend and his friend. There may have been some others, whom I failed to mention.

For the second week in a row, I got up on stage and sang. I sang "U Remind Me" by Usher. For shits and giggles, the second song I sang was "Bye Bye Bye" by 'N SYNC. Rico, Ernie, and myself all got up on stage and sang it together. Quite a scene. Many teenage girls perceived 'N SYNC as a hot pop band, but Justin Timberlake left to target his own individual pursuits in the world of pop, and 'N SYNC itself pretty much went "Bye Bye Bye" right off the map of popularity. Ladies and gentlemen, that is no longer a band, only a place for dishes.

Sorry Larry Fritz! You would have been proud of us last night though...

Murphys is a great place on Tuesday nights. Afterwards, most of us went to the Rockaway Diner to grab a bite to eat.

That is all. Back to the internship paper.

Take care everyone. Blog you later. Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

First snow storm!

The weather forecasters predicted four to six inches of snow on the radio yesterday, but from what I could see outside, they were off with their forecast. Thank God.

The sun is out today, so it is melting the ice on the grounds and the driveway I walk to get to my car. Perhaps the placement of salt on my driveway would be a good idea, instead of waiting for the sun to do the job. Should I always wait for the sun, I could be waiting weeks - maybe even months! This is New Jersey and it is the month of December.

Today I am working a double, which has been the case on Tuesdays lately. For the second week in a row, it appears that I am going to have to call out of Saturday's scheduled bussing shift. For the past couple months, my availability has stipulated that I do not work on Saturdays. They did a decent job of scheduling around that availability up until last week.

I called out last Saturday when I was scheduled, and they let me do so, acknowledging for the moment that my availability did not include Saturdays. Therefore, why the hell did they go ahead and schedule me for another Saturday this week??? DUH!

My mind is firmly focused on the completion of my internship journal, paper, and ultimately this internship requirement! I only have approximately twelve days until my graduation, so I must submit everything to Dr. Whithem by next week. Another major goal of mine is to move out of the current residence with my mother A.S.A.P.! The time has come for me to live on my own under my own roof and with my own rules.

Not only is she currently charging me rent (which I can respect), but now she is giving me receipts for my payments as well. She claims it is because she does not want to forget that I paid her, but how could she forget????? She places a note on my door every Monday morning that states, in large letters, "RENT DAY!" I seriously doubt she is going to forget something so important to her. Had I not paid her every Monday, I am not sure she would leave me alone about it until I made the payment. If in fact she does not want to jip me, as she claims is the case, I can respect that. Nonetheless, I really need to find me a pad.

As a result of wanting to move out, my resume has been updated and submitted to Careerbuilder and Monster. Fortunately, those jobfinders are coming up with a variety of opportunities. It is just a matter of discovering the right opportunity in the right location and seizing it. My goal is to find another job and move out by early to mid January.

Can I do that ladies and gentlemen? Is that at all realistic?

I am praying for and working towards the best. Keep me in your prayers!
For now, I need to graduate! My date with destiny is becoming apparent.

12 more days - less than two weeks!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 | posted in | 2 comments [ More ]

Freezing cold!

Yes, after being treated to warmer weather than we were accustomed to in the month of November, December finally greeted us with the friendly winter weather that we all love. Freezing cold, snow showers, flu, illnesses, and all of that other fun stuff.

Today, however, I am enjoying my 2nd day off in a row from work. Originally, I was scheduled to work at 4pm as a busser, but I am definitely not going to carry on with those plans. My availability, since October, does not include Saturday. After failed attempts to get the shift replaced by other bussers, I called out of work this morning at 10:30, citing the reason why I am unable to make the shift. Fortunately the manager did not give me any trouble about it.

I have better plans. Jaime is driving up to spend the evening with me. We are going out to dinner and we intend to rent a hotel room. I have seen this girl once in the last seven days, that being a 20 minute visit to her house on the way home from Stockton this past Wednesday. That just will not due! No it will not! I must see her tonight! She will be with me tonight; for that I am thankful.

Through the providers Careerbuilder and Monster, my job hunt is currently in progress. I have updated my resume and submitted it to both jobfinders, with a note attached at the top that states, "Graduating with bachelor's degree in Business Studies on December 18, 2005." Hopefully that grabs some much needed attention. I must start mapping out my life for 2006. My intentions are land a job in due time so that I may have the funds to get my own place in South Jersey, preferably a single bedroom apartment provided by the Galloway Real Estate Agency.

Finding my own place and living on my own is another objective that I am boldly attempting to meet. In order to meet that objective, serving and busing are not going to cut it!

Procrastination has been the unfortunate name of the game with my internship paper, so I must get back to that right now. Take care, be safe, and stay warm!


16 more days until graduation!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

County College of Morris!

R.I.P. Mr. Miyagi ----->

This week, I have been at two of the colleges (one of them a community college) that I have attended as a student in the last six years.

Currently I am at the County of College of Morris (C.C.M.), or "Harvard on the Hill" as many like to refer to it as, to work on my internship journal and paper. I submitted the midterm evaluation form to the managers so they could fill it out and send it to Dr. Whithem at Stockton College A.S.A.P.

17 more days until graduation!
  • I must complete this course requirement.
  • I must begin my job hunt.
  • I must look for an apartment in Atlantic County.

Each day passing gets sweeter and sweeter. In 2006, I'm taking my degree with me, hopefully on a trip to the promise land!

Friday, December 02, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]

The Ultimate West Coast Experience... from Sacramento to San Francisco to Beverly Hills and everything in between!

Experience to last from January 26 to January 30, 2006.

Let me be the first to admit that I am just a bit nervous about boarding the very first flight of my life in just under two months from now, but the actual vacation that comes with it seems quite appealing.

According to Scott, all of us will most likely be staying the Hyatt Regency, a hotel for which the bar the grill is owned by pop star Justin Timberlake. This particular hotel is a major hangout to all the stars and high rollers in the Beverly Hills area. Scott is also trying to land us tickets to Jay Leno during our stay in California. During our stay, we will also be driving to San Francisco as well as Los Angeles, so I am truly psyched about this monumental vacation, which will be my first legitimate vacation in over five years. Last time I went anywhere for a vacation was in August of 2000 at Virginia Beach, VA. Provided that Bill and I fly and land there safely, as I pray that we do, this vacation is going to be a time that will remain unforgettable for the rest of our lives.

As Scott bluntly admited, "we having an East Coast reunion on the West Coast!"

My only regret, a major regret at that, is that Jaime could not make it. I asked if she could go at the time that we were booking airfare. She remained unsure about the whole trip and stated that she could not commit to an answer due to the fact that she probably would not be able to get out of work. I wish she could come; I love her very much and would be delighted to have her with me during that time. If there is anything that I can do to get her out there with me in the next couple months, I will do so.

Jaime and I, however, are tentatively planning our own little vacation, possibly for spring break, in Florida.

That is all for now.

18 more days until graduation!!!!!!


Thursday, December 01, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments [ More ]
