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First snow storm!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 | posted in | 2 comments

The weather forecasters predicted four to six inches of snow on the radio yesterday, but from what I could see outside, they were off with their forecast. Thank God.

The sun is out today, so it is melting the ice on the grounds and the driveway I walk to get to my car. Perhaps the placement of salt on my driveway would be a good idea, instead of waiting for the sun to do the job. Should I always wait for the sun, I could be waiting weeks - maybe even months! This is New Jersey and it is the month of December.

Today I am working a double, which has been the case on Tuesdays lately. For the second week in a row, it appears that I am going to have to call out of Saturday's scheduled bussing shift. For the past couple months, my availability has stipulated that I do not work on Saturdays. They did a decent job of scheduling around that availability up until last week.

I called out last Saturday when I was scheduled, and they let me do so, acknowledging for the moment that my availability did not include Saturdays. Therefore, why the hell did they go ahead and schedule me for another Saturday this week??? DUH!

My mind is firmly focused on the completion of my internship journal, paper, and ultimately this internship requirement! I only have approximately twelve days until my graduation, so I must submit everything to Dr. Whithem by next week. Another major goal of mine is to move out of the current residence with my mother A.S.A.P.! The time has come for me to live on my own under my own roof and with my own rules.

Not only is she currently charging me rent (which I can respect), but now she is giving me receipts for my payments as well. She claims it is because she does not want to forget that I paid her, but how could she forget????? She places a note on my door every Monday morning that states, in large letters, "RENT DAY!" I seriously doubt she is going to forget something so important to her. Had I not paid her every Monday, I am not sure she would leave me alone about it until I made the payment. If in fact she does not want to jip me, as she claims is the case, I can respect that. Nonetheless, I really need to find me a pad.

As a result of wanting to move out, my resume has been updated and submitted to Careerbuilder and Monster. Fortunately, those jobfinders are coming up with a variety of opportunities. It is just a matter of discovering the right opportunity in the right location and seizing it. My goal is to find another job and move out by early to mid January.

Can I do that ladies and gentlemen? Is that at all realistic?

I am praying for and working towards the best. Keep me in your prayers!
For now, I need to graduate! My date with destiny is becoming apparent.

12 more days - less than two weeks!

2 Responses So far
miriam sawyer
on 11:51 AM  

your mom is doing you a favor.

Bryan "B-Money" Bradley
on 11:44 AM  

Probably, as I said at the end, and as you eluded to in your comment, she wants to do me the favor of not jipping me and letting me know that I have in fact paid her.

Still, I plan on finding my own place. You want family to be family rather than a business relationship involving money. It's time for me to find my own crib.

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