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Freezing cold!

Saturday, December 03, 2005 | posted in | 0 comments

Yes, after being treated to warmer weather than we were accustomed to in the month of November, December finally greeted us with the friendly winter weather that we all love. Freezing cold, snow showers, flu, illnesses, and all of that other fun stuff.

Today, however, I am enjoying my 2nd day off in a row from work. Originally, I was scheduled to work at 4pm as a busser, but I am definitely not going to carry on with those plans. My availability, since October, does not include Saturday. After failed attempts to get the shift replaced by other bussers, I called out of work this morning at 10:30, citing the reason why I am unable to make the shift. Fortunately the manager did not give me any trouble about it.

I have better plans. Jaime is driving up to spend the evening with me. We are going out to dinner and we intend to rent a hotel room. I have seen this girl once in the last seven days, that being a 20 minute visit to her house on the way home from Stockton this past Wednesday. That just will not due! No it will not! I must see her tonight! She will be with me tonight; for that I am thankful.

Through the providers Careerbuilder and Monster, my job hunt is currently in progress. I have updated my resume and submitted it to both jobfinders, with a note attached at the top that states, "Graduating with bachelor's degree in Business Studies on December 18, 2005." Hopefully that grabs some much needed attention. I must start mapping out my life for 2006. My intentions are land a job in due time so that I may have the funds to get my own place in South Jersey, preferably a single bedroom apartment provided by the Galloway Real Estate Agency.

Finding my own place and living on my own is another objective that I am boldly attempting to meet. In order to meet that objective, serving and busing are not going to cut it!

Procrastination has been the unfortunate name of the game with my internship paper, so I must get back to that right now. Take care, be safe, and stay warm!


16 more days until graduation!!!

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